Source code for tuiview.minify_json

Created on 20/01/2011

v0.1 (C) Gerald Storer
MIT License

Based on JSON.minify.js:

import re

[docs]def json_minify(json, strip_space=True): tokenizer=re.compile('"|(/\*)|(\*/)|(//)|\n|\r') # noqa in_string = False in_multiline_comment = False in_singleline_comment = False new_str = [] from_index = 0 # from is a keyword in Python for match in re.finditer(tokenizer, json): if not in_multiline_comment and not in_singleline_comment: tmp2 = json[from_index:match.start()] if not in_string and strip_space: tmp2 = re.sub('[ \t\n\r]*', '', tmp2) # replace only white space defined in standard new_str.append(tmp2) from_index = match.end() if == '"' and not in_multiline_comment and not in_singleline_comment: escaped ='(\\\\)*$', json[:match.start()]) if not in_string or escaped is None or len( % 2 == 0: # start of string with ", or unescaped " character found to end string in_string = not in_string from_index -= 1 # include " character in next catch elif == '/*' and not in_string and not in_multiline_comment and not in_singleline_comment: in_multiline_comment = True elif == '*/' and not in_string and in_multiline_comment and not in_singleline_comment: in_multiline_comment = False elif == '//' and not in_string and not in_multiline_comment and not in_singleline_comment: in_singleline_comment = True elif ( == '\n' or == '\r') and not in_string and not in_multiline_comment and in_singleline_comment: in_singleline_comment = False elif not in_multiline_comment and not in_singleline_comment and ( not in ['\n', '\r', ' ', '\t'] or not strip_space): new_str.append( new_str.append(json[from_index:]) return ''.join(new_str)
if __name__ == '__main__': import json # requires Python 2.6+ to run tests def test_json(s): return json.loads(json_minify(s)) test1 = '''// this is a JSON file with comments { "foo": "bar", // this is cool "bar": [ "baz", "bum", "zam" ], /* the rest of this document is just fluff in case you are interested. */ "something": 10, "else": 20 } /* NOTE: You can easily strip the whitespace and comments from such a file with the JSON.minify() project hosted here on github at */ ''' test1_res = '''{"foo":"bar","bar":["baz","bum","zam"],"something":10,"else":20}''' test2 = ''' {"/*":"*/","//":"",/*"//"*/"/*/":// "//"} ''' test2_res = '''{"/*":"*/","//":"","/*/":"//"}''' test3 = r'''/* this is a multi line comment */{ "foo" : "bar/*"// something , "b\"az":/* something else */"blah" } ''' test3_res = r'''{"foo":"bar/*","b\"az":"blah"}''' test4 = r'''{"foo": "ba\"r//", "bar\\": "b\\\"a/*z", "baz\\\\": /* yay */ "fo\\\\\"*/o" } ''' test4_res = r'''{"foo":"ba\"r//","bar\\":"b\\\"a/*z","baz\\\\":"fo\\\\\"*/o"}''' assert test_json(test1) == json.loads(test1_res), 'Failed test 1' assert test_json(test2) == json.loads(test2_res), 'Failed test 2' assert test_json(test3) == json.loads(test3_res), 'Failed test 3' assert test_json(test4) == json.loads(test4_res), 'Failed test 4' if __debug__: # Don't print passed message if the asserts didn't run print('Passed all tests')