Source code for tuiview.plotwidget

Plot widget
# This file is part of 'TuiView' - a simple Raster viewer
# Copyright (C) 2012  Sam Gillingham
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

import numpy
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter, QPainterPath, QPen, QFontMetrics
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QSize, QSettings

    DEFAULT_YTICK_FLAGS = Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.TextDontClip
    DEFAULT_XTICK_FLAGS = Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop | Qt.TextDontClip
    DEFAULT_LABEL_FLAGS = Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
except TypeError:
    # if building from sphinx these values will be type Mock()
    # which cannot be Or'd. So we fack it.
TICK_SIZE = 2  # pixels

[docs]class PlotCurve(object): """ Pass instances of these to PlotLineWidget.addCurve() xdata and ydata should be numpy arrays If pen not given will be white, 1 pixel wide """ def __init__(self, xdata, ydata, pen=None): self.xdata = xdata self.ydata = ydata if xdata.size == 0 or ydata.size != xdata.size: raise ValueError('invalid data') self.pen = pen if self.pen is None: self.pen = QPen() self.pen.setWidth(1) self.pen.setColor(Qt.white)
[docs]class PlotBars(object): """ Pass an instance of this to PlotBarWidget.setBars() data should be a numpy array containing the counts. minVal and maxVal describe the range of the data """ def __init__(self, data, minVal, maxVal, pen=None, fillColor=Qt.white): = data self.minVal = minVal self.maxVal = maxVal if data.size == 0: raise ValueError('inavlid data') self.pen = pen if self.pen is None: self.pen = QPen() self.pen.setWidth(1) self.pen.setColor(Qt.white) self.fillColor = fillColor
[docs]class PlotLabel(object): """ Pass instances of these to PlotWidget.addLabel() xloc and yloc are in data units txt is text to display flags are those accepted by QPainter.drawText If pen not given will be white, 1 pixel wide """ def __init__(self, xloc, yloc, txt, flags=DEFAULT_LABEL_FLAGS, pen=None): self.xloc = xloc self.yloc = yloc self.txt = txt self.flags = flags self.pen = pen if self.pen is None: self.pen = QPen() self.pen.setWidth(1) self.pen.setColor(Qt.white)
[docs]class PlotTick(object): """ Pass lists of these to PlotWidget.setXTicks and PlotWidget.setYTicks if flags is None either DEFAULT_YTICK_FLAGS or DEFAULT_XTICK_FLAGS will be used depending on the direction if pen is None the default axes pen will be used """ def __init__(self, loc, txt, flags=None, pen=None): self.loc = loc self.txt = txt self.flags = flags self.pen = pen
[docs]class PlotWidget(QWidget): """ Lightweight plot widget base class Don't instantiate directly - use one of the base classes. """ def __init__(self, parent): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # always draw background as black self.setBackgroundColor( self.setAutoFillBackground(True) # pen to draw the axes self.axesPen = QPen(Qt.gray) self.axesPen.setWidth(1) # font fontSize = self.getSettingsFontSize() self.setFontSize(fontSize) # xticks. Lists of PlotTicks self.xticks = None # yticks self.yticks = None # text labels list of PlotTexts self.labels = [] # fontmetrics self.fontMetrics = QFontMetrics(self.font())
[docs] def haveData(self): """ Returns True if data has been set """ raise NotImplementedError('haveData() must be implemented')
[docs] def getSettingsFontSize(self): "Get the default font size from settings" settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup('Plot') fontSize = settings.value('FontSize', DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, int) settings.endGroup() return fontSize
[docs] def setFontSize(self, size): "Set the font point size" font = self.font() font.setPointSize(size) self.setFont(font) self.update()
[docs] def setYRange(self, ymin=None, ymax=None): """ Set the Y range. Pass None for autoscale for either or both """ self.yrange = (ymin, ymax) self.update()
[docs] def setXRange(self, xmin=None, xmax=None): """ Set the X range. Pass None for autoscale for either or both """ self.xrange = (xmin, xmax) self.update()
[docs] def setXTicks(self, xticks=None): """ Pass a list of PlotTicks. None to reset. """ self.xticks = xticks self.update()
[docs] def setYTicks(self, yticks=None): """ Pass a list of PlotTicks. None to reset. """ self.yticks = yticks self.update()
[docs] def setBackgroundColor(self, color): "Sets the background color for the widget" palette = self.palette() palette.setColor(self.backgroundRole(), color) self.setPalette(palette) self.update()
[docs] def addLabel(self, label): "Add a PlotLabel to be drawn" self.labels.append(label) self.update()
[docs] def removeLabels(self): "remove all labels" self.labels = [] self.update()
[docs] def getYDataRange(self): """ Get the range of the Y data to be plotted. """ return self.yrange
[docs] def getXDataRange(self): """ Get the range of the X data to be plotted. """ return self.xrange
[docs] @staticmethod def makeIntervals(start, end, nIntervals): """ Make a 'pretty' list of intervals. This was the hardest part. also returns number of decimals to display This is non-zero if floating point data """ interval = (end - start) / nIntervals ndecimals = 0 test = interval if interval >= 1: while test > 10: test /= 10 ndecimals += 1 else: while test < 10: test *= 10 ndecimals += 1 ndecimals = -ndecimals newinterval = numpy.ceil(test) * 10**ndecimals mininterval = int(start / newinterval) * newinterval tmp = mininterval intervals = [tmp] for n in range(nIntervals): tmp += newinterval intervals.append(tmp) if ndecimals < 0: npd = abs(ndecimals) else: npd = 0 return intervals, npd
[docs] def drawText(self, paint, xloc, yloc, txt, flags): """ Helper method to draw text in given device coords For some reason Qt doesn't come with a method like this that moves the text around for given flags. """ # the position we are after is relative to the left bottom of the rect txtrect = self.fontMetrics.boundingRect(txt) if flags & Qt.AlignRight: xloc -= txtrect.width() if flags & Qt.AlignHCenter: xloc -= txtrect.width() / 2 if flags & Qt.AlignTop: yloc += txtrect.height() if flags & Qt.AlignVCenter: yloc += txtrect.height() / 2 xloc = int(xloc) yloc = int(yloc) if flags & Qt.TextDontClip: # remember: y is baseline txtrect.setRect(xloc, yloc - txtrect.height(), txtrect.width(), txtrect.height()) winrect = self.rect() if not winrect.contains(txtrect): return paint.drawText(xloc, yloc, txt)
[docs] @staticmethod def formatInterval(interval, ndp): if ndp == 0: txt = "%d" % interval else: txt = "%.*f" % (ndp, interval) return txt
[docs] def findLargestIntervalLabel(self, intervals, ndp): maxwidth = 0 for interval in intervals: txt = self.formatInterval(interval, ndp) textrect = self.fontMetrics.boundingRect(txt) txtwidth = textrect.width() if txtwidth > maxwidth: maxwidth = txtwidth return int(maxwidth)
[docs] def drawYTicks(self, paint, minYData, maxYData, yoffset, yscale, height): """ Draw the Y-ticks. Returns the size needed for the text """ paint.setPen(self.axesPen) flags = DEFAULT_YTICK_FLAGS if self.yticks is None: # create our own nIntervals = int(height / 20) intervals, ndp = self.makeIntervals(minYData, maxYData, nIntervals) # find width of largest interval and use that for width param txtwidth = self.findLargestIntervalLabel(intervals, ndp) for interval in intervals: if interval < minYData: continue txt = self.formatInterval(interval, ndp) yloc = (interval - minYData) * yscale + yoffset yloc = int(yloc) self.drawText(paint, txtwidth, yloc, txt, flags) # draw tick paint.drawLine(txtwidth, yloc, txtwidth + TICK_SIZE, yloc) else: # user supplied lastTick = self.xticks[-1] textrect = self.fontMetrics.boundingRect(lastTick.txt) txtwidth = textrect.width() for tick in self.xticks: yloc = (tick.loc - minYData) * yscale + yoffset if tick.pen is not None: oldPen = paint.pen() # save it paint.setPen(tick.pen) flags = DEFAULT_YTICK_FLAGS if tick.flags is not None: flags = tick.flags self.drawText(paint, txtwidth, yloc, tick.txt, flags) if tick.pen is not None: paint.setPen(oldPen) # restore # draw tick paint.drawLine(txtwidth, yloc, txtwidth + TICK_SIZE, yloc) return txtwidth + TICK_SIZE
[docs] def drawXTicks(self, paint, minXData, maxXData, xoffset, xscale, width, height): """ Draw the X-ticks """ paint.setPen(self.axesPen) flags = DEFAULT_XTICK_FLAGS if self.xticks is None: # we have to create our own # do a guess and refine it until it fits txtwidth = 20 finished = False nIntervals = int(width / txtwidth) while not finished: intervals, ndp = self.makeIntervals(minXData, maxXData, nIntervals) txtwidth = self.findLargestIntervalLabel(intervals, ndp) nIntervals = int(width / txtwidth) # had to make it nIntervals+1 otherwise ended up # with infinite loop for long labels for some reason... finished = len(intervals) <= (nIntervals + 1) for interval in intervals: if interval < minXData: continue txt = self.formatInterval(interval, ndp) xloc = (interval - minXData) * xscale + xoffset xloc = int(xloc) self.drawText(paint, xloc, height, txt, flags) # draw tick paint.drawLine(xloc, height, xloc, height + TICK_SIZE) else: # user supplied ticks for tick in self.xticks: xloc = (tick.loc - minXData) * xscale + xoffset xloc = int(xloc) if tick.pen is not None: oldPen = paint.pen() # save it paint.setPen(tick.pen) flags = DEFAULT_XTICK_FLAGS if tick.flags is not None: flags = tick.flags self.drawText(paint, xloc, height, tick.txt, flags) if tick.pen is not None: paint.setPen(oldPen) # restore # draw tick paint.drawLine(xloc, height, xloc, height + TICK_SIZE)
[docs] def drawLabels(self, paint, minXData, minYData, xoffset, xscale, yoffset, yscale): """ Draw the user supplied labels onto the plot """ for label in self.labels: xloc = (label.xloc - minXData) * xscale + xoffset yloc = (label.yloc - minYData) * yscale + yoffset paint.setPen(label.pen) self.drawText(paint, xloc, yloc, label.txt, label.flags)
[docs] def paintEvent(self, event): """ This is the main part - calculation and drawing happen here. In theory the calculation should happen separately on resize etc and paint should be simpler, but can't be bothered right now Delegates to paintData() in sublass to do actuall work """ paint = QPainter(self) # allow enough size under the x-axes for text and tick axes_ysize = self.fontMetrics.height() + TICK_SIZE size = self.size() plotheight = size.height() - axes_ysize yoffset = size.height() - axes_ysize axes_xsize = axes_ysize # in case there no data, we still have axes drawn ok # do we have data? if self.haveData(): minYData, maxYData = self.getYDataRange() minXData, maxXData = self.getXDataRange() xrange = (maxXData - minXData) yrange = (maxYData - minYData) # check we can draw lines # - might still be a problem if range set by user if xrange > 0 and yrange > 0: # NB: Qt works from top left, plots from bottom left yscale = -plotheight / yrange # axes labels axes_xsize = self.drawYTicks(paint, minYData, maxYData, yoffset, yscale, plotheight) # now we now the width of the axes_xsize calc the other parts plotwidth = size.width() - axes_xsize xoffset = axes_xsize xscale = plotwidth / xrange self.drawXTicks(paint, minXData, maxXData, xoffset, xscale, plotwidth, plotheight) # delegate to sublass self.paintData(paint, minXData, minYData, xoffset, xscale, yoffset, yscale) # labels self.drawLabels(paint, minXData, minYData, xoffset, xscale, yoffset, yscale) # axes paint.setPen(self.axesPen) paint.drawLine(axes_xsize, 0, axes_xsize, size.height() - axes_ysize) paint.drawLine(axes_xsize, size.height() - axes_ysize, size.width(), size.height() - axes_ysize) paint.end()
[docs] def paintData(self, paint): """ To be implemented in sublass """ return NotImplementedError('must implement paintData')
[docs] def sizeHint(self): """ This has to be implemented otherwise plot is very small! """ return QSize(400, 400)
[docs]class PlotLineWidget(PlotWidget): """ Widget for making line plots """ def __init__(self, parent): PlotWidget.__init__(self, parent) # default ranges - y autoscale self.setYRange() # x left =0, right autoscale self.setXRange(xmin=0) # list of PlotCurves to draw self.curves = []
[docs] def haveData(self): """ Returns True if data has been set """ return len(self.curves) != 0
[docs] def addCurve(self, curve): """ Add an instance of PlotCurve to the list of curves to be plotted """ self.curves.append(curve) self.update()
[docs] def removeCurves(self): "Remove all the curves" self.curves = [] self.update()
[docs] def getYDataRange(self): """ Get the range of the Y data to be plotted. If value(s) have been set with SetYRange these are returned """ (minYData, maxYData) = PlotWidget.getYDataRange(self) if minYData is None: minYData = self.curves[0].ydata.min() for curve in self.curves[1:]: my = curve.ydata.min() if my < minYData: minYData = my if maxYData is None: maxYData = self.curves[0].ydata.max() for curve in self.curves[1:]: my = curve.ydata.max() if my > maxYData: maxYData = my if (maxYData - minYData) == 0: # make range +/- 20% minYData = maxYData - (maxYData * 0.2) maxYData = maxYData + (maxYData * 0.2) return minYData, maxYData
[docs] def getXDataRange(self): """ Get the range of the X data to be plotted. If value(s) have been set with SetXRange these are returned """ (minXData, maxXData) = PlotWidget.getXDataRange(self) if minXData is None: minXData = self.curves[0].xdata.min() for curve in self.curves[1:]: mx = curve.xdata.min() if mx < minXData: minXData = mx if maxXData is None: maxXData = self.curves[0].xdata.max() for curve in self.curves[1:]: mx = curve.xdata.max() if mx > maxXData: maxXData = mx if (maxXData - minXData) == 0: # make range +/- 20% minXData = maxXData - (maxXData * 0.2) maxXData = maxXData + (maxXData * 0.2) return minXData, maxXData
[docs] def paintData(self, paint, minXData, minYData, xoffset, xscale, yoffset, yscale): """ Paints the curves - called from paintEvent in the baseclass """ # each curve for curve in self.curves: paint.setPen(curve.pen) xpoints = (curve.xdata - minXData) * xscale + xoffset ypoints = (curve.ydata - minYData) * yscale + yoffset xpoints = xpoints.astype(int) ypoints = ypoints.astype(int) # doesn't seem to be a faster array way, but this # seems plenty fast enough path = QPainterPath() path.moveTo(xpoints[0], ypoints[0]) for x, y in zip(xpoints[1:], ypoints[1:]): path.lineTo(x, y) paint.drawPath(path)
[docs]class PlotBarWidget(PlotWidget): """ Widget for making bar plots """ def __init__(self, parent): PlotWidget.__init__(self, parent) # default ranges - y min = 0 self.setYRange(ymin=0) # x autoscale self.setXRange() # out one PlotBars object # maybe we should support more than one? self.bars = None
[docs] def haveData(self): """ Returns True if data has been set """ return self.bars is not None
[docs] def setBars(self, bars): "Set the bars object to use" self.bars = bars self.update()
[docs] def getYDataRange(self): """ Get the range of the Y data to be plotted. If value(s) have been set with SetYRange these are returned """ (minYData, maxYData) = PlotWidget.getYDataRange(self) if minYData is None: minYData = if maxYData is None: maxYData = if (maxYData - minYData) == 0: # make range +/- 20% minYData = maxYData - (maxYData * 0.2) maxYData = maxYData + (maxYData * 0.2) return minYData, maxYData
[docs] def getXDataRange(self): """ Get the range of the X data to be plotted. If value(s) have been set with SetXRange these are returned """ (minXData, maxXData) = PlotWidget.getXDataRange(self) if minXData is None: minXData = self.bars.minVal if maxXData is None: maxXData = self.bars.maxVal if (maxXData - minXData) == 0: # make range +/- 20% minXData = maxXData - (maxXData * 0.2) maxXData = maxXData + (maxXData * 0.2) return minXData, maxXData
[docs] def paintData(self, paint, minXData, minYData, xoffset, xscale, yoffset, yscale): """ Paints the bars - called from paintEvent in the baseclass """ paint.setPen(self.bars.pen) heights = ( - minYData) * yscale + yoffset tlxs = numpy.linspace(self.bars.minVal, self.bars.maxVal, tlxs = (tlxs - minXData) * xscale + xoffset tlxs += 1 # otherwise left most bar gets clobbered by axis width = int(tlxs[1] - tlxs[0]) if width < 1: width = 1 for height, tlx in zip(heights, tlxs): tlx = int(tlx) height = int(height) paint.fillRect(tlx, height, width, yoffset - height, self.bars.fillColor)