Source code for tuiview.querywindow

Module that contains the QueryDockWidget
# This file is part of 'TuiView' - a simple Raster viewer
# Copyright (C) 2012  Sam Gillingham
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap, QBrush, QDoubleValidator, QIcon, QPen, QColor
from PyQt5.QtGui import QFontMetrics, QMouseEvent
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDockWidget, QTableView, QColorDialog, QMenu
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QLineEdit, QWidget
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QToolBar, QAction, QMessageBox, QHeaderView
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QStyledItemDelegate, QStyle, QTabWidget, QScrollBar
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QToolButton, QComboBox
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, Qt, QAbstractTableModel
import numpy

from .viewerstretch import VIEWER_MODE_RGB, VIEWER_MODE_GREYSCALE
from .viewerstretch import VIEWER_MODE_COLORTABLE
from .viewerwidget import VIEWER_TOOL_POLYGON, VIEWER_TOOL_QUERY
from .viewerwidget import VIEWER_TOOL_POLYLINE
from .userexpressiondialog import UserExpressionDialog
from . import viewererrors
from .viewerstrings import MESSAGE_TITLE
from . import plotwidget



# type of coordinates the edit boxes use

[docs]def safeCreateColor(r, g, b, a=255): """ Same as QColor constructor but ensures vales all between 0 and 255 to avoid annoying warnings from Qt """ if r < 0: r = 0 elif r > 255: r = 255 if g < 0: g = 0 elif g > 255: g = 255 if b < 0: b = 0 elif b > 255: b = 255 if a < 0: a = 0 elif a > 255: a = 255 return QColor(r, g, b, a)
[docs]class ThematicTableModel(QAbstractTableModel): """ This class is the 'model' that drives the thematic table. QTableView asks it for the data etc """ def __init__(self, attributes, view, scroll, parent): QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.attributes = attributes self.view = view self.scroll = scroll self.saneColNames = attributes.getSaneColumnNames() self.colNames = attributes.getColumnNames() # for reading the data self.attCache = attributes.getCacheObject(RAT_CACHE_CHUNKSIZE) self.highlightBrush = QBrush(QUERYWIDGET_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHTCOLOR) self.highlightRow = -1 self.lookupColIcon = QIcon(":/viewer/images/arrowup.png") self.geomChanged() self.scroll.setSingleStep(1) # 'current' selected row self.curSel = None # signals self.scroll.valueChanged.connect(self.scrollChanged) vertHeader = self.view.verticalHeader() vertHeader.geometriesChanged.connect(self.geomChanged) vertHeader.clicked.connect(self.rowClicked)
[docs] def rowClicked(self, e): """ handle signal sent from our vertical header saying that the """ pt = e.pos() row = self.view.rowAt(pt.y()) + self.scroll.sliderPosition() modifiers = e.modifiers() if modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier: if self.curSel is not None: startRow = min(self.curSel, row) endRow = max(self.curSel, row) self.parent.selectionArray[startRow:endRow + 1] = True self.curSel = row elif modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier: if self.curSel is not None: # toggle self.parent.selectionArray[row] = not self.parent.selectionArray[row] self.curSel = row else: self.curSel = row self.parent.selectionArray.fill(False) self.parent.selectionArray[row] = True self.doUpdate() # update map if self.parent.highlightAction.isChecked(): self.parent.viewwidget.highlightValues(self.parent.highlightColor, self.parent.selectionArray) self.parent.updateToolTip()
[docs] def index(self, row, column, parent=None): """ Create a new QModelIndex for the specified row and column. The base class implementation just creates a new QModelIndex but we override this so we can set the "internalId" parameter which is available to clients to store more info. We use this parameter to store the current slider position. For most operations we could just obtain this by calling self.scroll.sliderPosition() again, but for selection this doesn't work as they may have started the selection then scrolled down and ended the selection so we need to know the slider position for each index. This is espcially useful for the ItemDelegate which otherwise has no way of knowing what the scroll position was The other obvious thing to do is to add the slider position onto the current row, but things get weird as sometimes Qt passes me a row with the position already added on... """ return self.createIndex(row, column, self.scroll.sliderPosition())
[docs] def scrollChanged(self, value): "Position in scroll changed" self.doUpdate(updateVertHeader=True)
[docs] def geomChanged(self): "size of window changed" brPoint = self.view.rect().bottomLeft() horiz_bar = self.view.horizontalScrollBar() if horiz_bar is not None and horiz_bar.isVisible(): scrollSize = horiz_bar.size().height() brPoint.setY(brPoint.y() - scrollSize) nShownRows = self.view.indexAt(brPoint).row() if nShownRows > 0: maxval = self.attributes.getNumRows() - nShownRows + 1 # +1 for col header self.scroll.setRange(0, maxval) else: # if -1 then the RAT is very small self.scroll.setRange(0, 0)
[docs] def scrollToPreviousSelected(self): brPoint = self.view.rect().bottomLeft() # - 2 because of header and scroll bar (?) nShownRows = self.view.indexAt(brPoint).row() - 2 # start searching right at the top of window startSearch = self.scroll.sliderPosition() # search on a reversed view of the array nextIdx = self.parent.selectionArray[startSearch::-1].argmax() # bizarrely argmax returns 0 when nothing found so we have to # distinguish between this an an actual zero selected row # subtract from where we started nextIdx = startSearch - nextIdx # bizarrely argmax returns 0 when nothing found so we have to if nextIdx > 0 and self.parent.selectionArray[nextIdx]: # scroll to middle nextIdx = max(0, nextIdx - int(nShownRows / 2)) self.scroll.setSliderPosition(nextIdx)
[docs] def scrollToNextSelected(self): brPoint = self.view.rect().bottomLeft() # - 2 because of header and scroll bar (?) nShownRows = self.view.indexAt(brPoint).row() - 2 startSearch = self.scroll.sliderPosition() + nShownRows print('startsearch', startSearch) if startSearch < self.attributes.getNumRows(): nextIdx = self.parent.selectionArray[startSearch:].argmax() # add on the index we started search at nextIdx += startSearch if (nextIdx < self.attributes.getNumRows() and self.parent.selectionArray[nextIdx]): # scroll to middle nextIdx -= int(nShownRows / 2) self.scroll.setSliderPosition(nextIdx)
[docs] def doUpdate(self, updateHorizHeader=False, updateVertHeader=False): """ Called by the parent window when the attributes have changed. Emits the appropriate signal. """ topLeft = self.index(0, 0) bottomRight = self.index(self.columnCount(None) - 1, self.rowCount(None) - 1) self.dataChanged.emit(topLeft, bottomRight) # cache will be out of date self.attCache = self.attributes.getCacheObject(RAT_CACHE_CHUNKSIZE) if updateHorizHeader: self.saneColNames = self.attributes.getSaneColumnNames() self.colNames = self.attributes.getColumnNames() self.headerDataChanged.emit(Qt.Horizontal, 0, self.columnCount(None) - 1) if updateVertHeader: self.headerDataChanged.emit(Qt.Vertical, 0, self.rowCount(None) - 1)
[docs] def setHighlightRow(self, row): """ Called by setupTableThematic to indicate the row that should be highlighted """ self.highlightRow = row self.headerDataChanged.emit(Qt.Vertical, 0, self.rowCount(None) - 1)
[docs] def rowCount(self, parent): "returns the number of rows" if parent is not None and parent.isValid(): # zero children return 0 return min(RAT_CACHE_CHUNKSIZE, self.attributes.getNumRows())
[docs] def columnCount(self, parent): "number of columns" ncols = self.attributes.getNumColumns() if self.attributes.hasColorTable: ncols += 1 return ncols
[docs] def headerData(self, section, orientation, role): """ returns the header labels for either vertical or horizontal """ if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if self.attributes.hasColorTable: if role == Qt.DisplayRole and section == 0: return "Color" section -= 1 # for below, to ignore the color col if role == Qt.DisplayRole: name = self.saneColNames[section] return name elif role == Qt.DecorationRole: if section == -1: # color column return None name = self.colNames[section] if name == self.attributes.getLookupColName(): return self.lookupColIcon else: return None elif role == Qt.ToolTipRole: tooltip = "" if section != -1: # not the color col, should be some info for it name = self.colNames[section] dtype = self.attributes.getType(name) if dtype in GDAL_COLTYPE_LOOKUP: dtypeStr = GDAL_COLTYPE_LOOKUP[dtype] else: dtypeStr = "Unknown" usage = self.attributes.getUsage(name) if usage in GDAL_COLUSAGE_LOOKUP: usageStr = GDAL_COLUSAGE_LOOKUP[usage] else: usageStr = "Unknown" tooltip = "Type : %s\nUsage : %s\n\n" % (dtypeStr, usageStr) # always add this right click text even if color menu tooltip = tooltip + "Right click for menu" return tooltip else: return None elif orientation == Qt.Vertical and role == Qt.DisplayRole: # rows just a number row = self.scroll.sliderPosition() + section if row < self.attributes.getNumRows(): return "%s" % row else: return '' elif (orientation == Qt.Vertical and role == Qt.BackgroundRole and (self.scroll.sliderPosition() + section) == self.highlightRow): # highlight the header also return self.highlightBrush else: return None
[docs] def createColorIcon(self, row): """ Returns the colour icon for the given row """ if row < self.attributes.getNumRows(): self.attCache.autoScrollToIncludeRow(row) names = self.attributes.getColumnNames() name = names[self.attributes.redColumnIdx] redVal = self.attCache.getValueFromCol(name, row) name = names[self.attributes.greenColumnIdx] greenVal = self.attCache.getValueFromCol(name, row) name = names[self.attributes.blueColumnIdx] blueVal = self.attCache.getValueFromCol(name, row) # ignore alpha as we want to see it col = safeCreateColor(redVal, greenVal, blueVal) else: col = QColor(255, 255, 255) pixmap = QPixmap(64, 24) pixmap.fill(col) return pixmap
[docs] def data(self, index, role): """ Gets the actual data. A variety of Qt.ItemDataRole's are passed, but we only use DisplayRole for the text and Qt.BackgroundRole for the highlight role """ if not index.isValid(): return None # convert back to a row within the file row = index.internalId() + index.row() if role == Qt.BackgroundRole and row == self.highlightRow: return self.highlightBrush if role == Qt.DisplayRole: column = index.column() if self.attributes.hasColorTable: if column == 0: return None # no text column -= 1 # for below to ignore the color col name = self.attributes.getColumnNames()[column] # scroll to row if row >= self.attributes.getNumRows(): # sometimes there is a 'partial' row shown. but we don't need data return '' else: self.attCache.autoScrollToIncludeRow(row) attr_val = self.attCache.getValueFromCol(name, row) if isinstance(attr_val, bytes): # other wise we get b'...' in Python3 attr_val = attr_val.decode() fmt = self.attributes.getFormat(name) return fmt % attr_val elif role == Qt.DecorationRole: column = index.column() if self.attributes.hasColorTable and column == 0: return self.createColorIcon(row) else: return None else: return None
[docs]class ContinuousTableModel(QAbstractTableModel): """ This class is the 'model' that drives the continuous table. QTableView asks it for the data etc """ def __init__(self, banddata, bandNames, stretch, parent): QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self, parent) self.banddata = banddata self.bandNames = bandNames self.stretch = stretch self.colNames = ["Band", "Name", "Value"] # pixmaps for displaying in the 'band' column for RGB self.redPixmap = QPixmap(64, 24) self.redPixmap.fill( self.greenPixmap = QPixmap(64, 24) self.greenPixmap.fill( self.bluePixmap = QPixmap(64, 24) self.bluePixmap.fill( # for greyscale self.greyPixmap = QPixmap(64, 24) self.greyPixmap.fill(Qt.gray)
[docs] def doUpdate(self, updateHorizHeader=False): """ Called by the parent window when the data has changed. Emits the appropriate signal. """ topLeft = self.index(0, 0) bottomRight = self.index(self.columnCount(None) - 1, self.rowCount(None) - 1) self.dataChanged.emit(topLeft, bottomRight) if updateHorizHeader: self.headerDataChanged.emit(Qt.Horizontal, 0, self.rowCount(None) - 1)
[docs] def rowCount(self, parent): "returns the number of rows" return len(self.bandNames)
[docs] def columnCount(self, parent): "number of columns" return 3
[docs] def headerData(self, section, orientation, role): """ returns the header labels for either vertical or horizontal """ if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole: name = self.colNames[section] return name elif orientation == Qt.Vertical and role == Qt.DisplayRole: # rows just a number return "%s" % (section + 1) else: return None
[docs] def data(self, index, role): """ Gets the actual data. A variety of Qt.ItemDataRole's are passed, but we only use DisplayRole for the text and Qt.BackgroundRole for the highlight role """ if not index.isValid(): return None column = index.column() row = index.row() if column == 0 and role == Qt.DecorationRole: # icon column band = row + 1 if (self.stretch.mode == VIEWER_MODE_RGB and band in self.stretch.bands): if band == self.stretch.bands[0]: return self.redPixmap elif band == self.stretch.bands[1]: return self.greenPixmap elif band == self.stretch.bands[2]: return self.bluePixmap else: return None elif (self.stretch.mode == VIEWER_MODE_GREYSCALE and band == self.stretch.bands[0]): return self.greyPixmap else: return None elif column == 1 and role == Qt.DisplayRole: # band names column return self.bandNames[row] elif (column == 2 and role == Qt.DisplayRole and self.banddata is not None): # band values column return "%s" % self.banddata[row] else: return None
[docs]class ThematicItemDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate): """ Because we can't override the isSelected method of the modelselection we draw the selected state via the item delegate paint method as needed """ def __init__(self, parent): QStyledItemDelegate.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, index): "Paint method - paint as selected if needed" row = index.internalId() + index.row() if (self.parent.selectionArray is not None and row < self.parent.selectionArray.shape[0] and self.parent.selectionArray[row]): option.state |= QStyle.State_Selected # shouldn't have to un-select as nothing should be selected # according to the model QStyledItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index)
[docs]class ThematicHorizontalHeader(QHeaderView): """ Same as a horizontal QHeaderView but responds to context menu requests when setThematicMode(True) """ def __init__(self, parent): QHeaderView.__init__(self, Qt.Horizontal, parent) self.thematic = True self.parent = parent self.editColumnAction = QAction(self) self.editColumnAction.setText("&Edit Selected Rows in Column") self.editColumnAction.setStatusTip("Edit selected rows in this column") self.moveLeftAction = QAction(self) self.moveLeftAction.setText("Move &Left") self.moveLeftAction.setStatusTip("Move column one left") self.moveRightAction = QAction(self) self.moveRightAction.setText("Move &Right") self.moveRightAction.setStatusTip("Move column one right") self.moveLeftMostAction = QAction(self) self.moveLeftMostAction.setText("&Move Left Most") self.moveLeftMostAction.setStatusTip("Move to left most position") self.moveRightMostAction = QAction(self) self.moveRightMostAction.setText("Move &Right Most") self.moveRightMostAction.setStatusTip("Move to right most position") self.setDPAction = QAction(self) self.setDPAction.setText("&Set number of decimal places") self.setDPAction.setStatusTip("Set number of decimal places") self.setLookupAction = QAction(self) self.setLookupAction.setText("Set column as Color Table L&ookup") self.setLookupAction.setStatusTip("Set column as Color Table Lookup") self.setLookupAction.setCheckable(True) self.setKeyboardEditAction = QAction(self) self.setKeyboardEditAction.setText( "Set column to receive &keyboard edits") self.setKeyboardEditAction.setStatusTip( "Set column to receive keyboard edits") self.setKeyboardEditAction.setCheckable(True) # don't connect signal - will grab directly below so we can pass # on the column that was clicked self.popup = QMenu(self) self.popup.addAction(self.editColumnAction) self.popup.addAction(self.moveLeftAction) self.popup.addAction(self.moveRightAction) self.popup.addAction(self.moveLeftMostAction) self.popup.addAction(self.moveRightMostAction) self.popup.addAction(self.setDPAction) # enabled when float col self.popup.addAction(self.setLookupAction) # enabled when int or float col self.popup.addAction(self.setKeyboardEditAction) self.setColorAction = QAction(self) self.setColorAction.setText("Set &Color of Selected Rows") self.setColorAction.setStatusTip("Set Color of Selected Rows") # alternate popup for color column self.colorPopup = QMenu(self) self.colorPopup.addAction(self.setColorAction) # Tooltip handled by ThematicTableModel.headerData
[docs] def setThematicMode(self, mode): "Set the mode (True or False) for context menu" self.thematic = mode
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self, event): "Respond to context menu event" if self.thematic: from osgeo.gdal import GFT_Real, GFT_String col = self.logicalIndexAt(event.pos()) attributes = self.parent.lastLayer.attributes if attributes.hasColorTable: if col == 0: # do special handling for color column action = self.colorPopup.exec_(event.globalPos()) if action is self.setColorAction: self.parent.editColor() return col -= 1 # to ignore color col for below # work out whether this is float column colName = attributes.getColumnNames()[col] colType = attributes.getType(colName) self.setDPAction.setEnabled(colType == GFT_Real) self.setLookupAction.setEnabled(colType != GFT_String) self.setLookupAction.setChecked(colName == attributes.lookupColName) colGotKeyboard = self.parent.keyboardEditColumn == colName self.setKeyboardEditAction.setChecked(colGotKeyboard) action = self.popup.exec_(event.globalPos()) if action is self.editColumnAction: self.parent.editColumn(col) elif action is self.moveLeftAction: self.parent.moveColumn(col, MOVE_LEFT) elif action is self.moveRightAction: self.parent.moveColumn(col, MOVE_RIGHT) elif action is self.moveLeftMostAction: self.parent.moveColumn(col, MOVE_LEFTMOST) elif action is self.moveRightMostAction: self.parent.moveColumn(col, MOVE_RIGHTMOST) elif action is self.setDPAction: self.parent.setColumnDecimalPlaces(colName) elif action is self.setLookupAction: self.parent.setColumnAsLookup(colName) elif action is self.setKeyboardEditAction: self.parent.setColumnKeyboardEdit(colName)
[docs]class ThematicVerticalHeader(QHeaderView): """ Our own vertical header that forwards the event on to the model to handle selection. In thematic mode only, otherwise behaves the same as the real thing. """ clicked = pyqtSignal(QMouseEvent, name='clicked') "emitted when header clicked" def __init__(self, parent): QHeaderView.__init__(self, Qt.Vertical, parent) self.thematic = True
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, e): if self.thematic: # supress default behaviour and do our own self.clicked.emit(e) else: QHeaderView.mousePressEvent(self, e)
[docs] def setThematicMode(self, mode): "Set the mode (True or False) for selection behaviour" self.thematic = mode
[docs]class QueryTableView(QTableView): """ A hack to ensure all keypresses are redirected to the parent window for processing by the keyboard input handler rather than the default which tries to do some searching thing. """ def __init__(self, parent): QTableView.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): self.parent.keyPressEvent(event)
[docs] def wheelEvent(self, e): # another hack to ensure that scroll wheel # works as expected when reaching the 'top' # of the window (which may not be the top # of the window) # scrollContentsBy is limited by what it thinks # the size of the window should be dy = e.angleDelta().y() if dy != 0: # TODO: signal instead? dy /= (self.rowHeight(0) * 2) # don't scroll as much - matches scrollbar dy = -dy # other way round scroll = self.parent.thematicScrollBar pos = scroll.sliderPosition() step = scroll.singleStep() newpos = int(pos + dy * step) if newpos < 0: newpos = 0 self.parent.thematicScrollBar.setSliderPosition(newpos)
[docs]class QueryDockWidget(QDockWidget): """ Dock widget that contains the query window. Follows query tool clicks (can be disabled) and can change query point color. Image values for point are displayed thanks to locationSelected signal from ViewerWidget. """ # signals queryClosed = pyqtSignal(QDockWidget, name='queryClosed') "emitted when window closed" def __init__(self, parent, viewwidget): QDockWidget.__init__(self, "Query", parent) # make sure we can get keyboard focus self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.viewwidget = viewwidget self.cursorColor = QUERYWIDGET_DEFAULT_CURSORCOLOR self.cursorSize = QUERYWIDGET_DEFAULT_CURSORSIZE self.highlightColor = QUERYWIDGET_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHTCOLOR # connect to the collected polygon signal - only respond when # self.geogSelectAction.isChecked() so don't interfere with # other GUI elements that might as for a polygon self.viewwidget.polygonCollected.connect(self.newPolyGeogSelect) # same for polyline self.viewwidget.polylineCollected.connect(self.newLineGeogSelect) # connect to the signal we get when tool changed. We can update # GUI if main window has selected tool etc self.viewwidget.activeToolChanged.connect(self.activeToolChanged) # connect if the layers have changed and we can close if our layer # no longer exists self.viewwidget.layers.layersChanged.connect(self.layersChanged) # create a new widget that lives in the dock window self.dockWidget = QWidget() self.toolBar = QToolBar(self.dockWidget) self.coordValidator = QDoubleValidator() self.eastingEdit = QLineEdit(self.dockWidget) self.eastingEdit.setToolTip("Easting") self.eastingEdit.setValidator(self.coordValidator) self.eastingEdit.returnPressed.connect(self.userNewCoord) self.northingEdit = QLineEdit(self.dockWidget) self.northingEdit.setToolTip("Northing") self.northingEdit.setValidator(self.coordValidator) self.northingEdit.returnPressed.connect(self.userNewCoord) self.coordTypeCombo = QComboBox(self.dockWidget) self.coordTypeCombo.addItem("Eastings Northings", COORD_NORTHING_EASTINGS) self.coordTypeCombo.addItem("Columns Rows", COORD_PIXELS) self.coordTypeCombo.addItem("Longitude Latitude", COORD_LATLONG) self.coordTypeCombo.setCurrentIndex(0) self.coordTypeCombo.currentIndexChanged.connect( self.displayCoordsModeChanged) self.coordLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.coordLayout.addWidget(self.eastingEdit) self.coordLayout.addWidget(self.northingEdit) self.coordLayout.addWidget(self.coordTypeCombo) self.tabWidget = QTabWidget(self.dockWidget) self.tableView = QueryTableView(self) # can only select rows - not individual items self.tableView.setSelectionBehavior(QTableView.SelectRows) # our own horizontal header that can do context menus self.thematicHorizontalHeader = ThematicHorizontalHeader(self) self.tableView.setHorizontalHeader(self.thematicHorizontalHeader) self.thematicVerticalHeader = ThematicVerticalHeader(self) self.tableView.setVerticalHeader(self.thematicVerticalHeader) # the model - this is None by default - changed if # it is a thematic view self.tableModel = None # the delegate - this renders the rows with optional selection # style. Ideally we would overried the selection model but # QItemSelectionModel.isSelected not virtual... self.tableDelegate = ThematicItemDelegate(self) self.tableView.setItemDelegate(self.tableDelegate) # our numpy array that contains the selections # None by default and for Continuous self.selectionArray = None # backup of last selectionArray self.lastSelectionArray = None # the id() of the last ViewerRAT class so we can # update display only when needed self.lastAttributeid = -1 # the 'count' of files opened by that object # so we can tell if the same object has opened another file self.lastAttributeCount = -1 # the reference to the last layer object self.lastLayer = None # column being edited via keyboard self.keyboardEditColumn = None # text entered via keypad since last return self.keyboardData = None # now make sure the size of the rows matches the font we are using font = self.tableView.viewOptions().font fm = QFontMetrics(font) # add 3 pixels as some platforms (Windows, Solaris) need a few more # as the vertical header has a 'box' around it and font # ends up squashed otherwise height = fm.height() + 3 # default height actually controlled by headers # don't worry about QItemDelegate etc self.tableView.verticalHeader().setDefaultSectionSize(height) self.plotWidget = plotwidget.PlotLineWidget(self) self.thematicScrollBar = QScrollBar(Qt.Vertical, self) upIcon = self.thematicScrollPreviousBtn = QToolButton(self) self.thematicScrollPreviousBtn.setIcon(upIcon) self.thematicScrollPreviousBtn.setToolTip("Scroll up to selected") self.thematicScrollPreviousBtn.clicked.connect(self.previousSelected) downIcon = self.thematicScrollNextBtn = QToolButton(self) self.thematicScrollNextBtn.setIcon(downIcon) self.thematicScrollNextBtn.setToolTip("Scroll down to selected") self.thematicScrollNextBtn.clicked.connect(self.nextSelected) self.thematicScrollLayout = QVBoxLayout() self.thematicScrollLayout.addWidget(self.thematicScrollPreviousBtn) self.thematicScrollLayout.addWidget(self.thematicScrollBar) self.thematicScrollLayout.addWidget(self.thematicScrollNextBtn) self.tableLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.tableLayout.addWidget(self.tableView) self.tableLayout.addLayout(self.thematicScrollLayout) self.tableWidget = QWidget(self) self.tableWidget.setLayout(self.tableLayout) self.tabWidget.addTab(self.tableWidget, "Table") self.tabWidget.addTab(self.plotWidget, "Plot") self.mainLayout = QVBoxLayout() self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.toolBar) self.mainLayout.addLayout(self.coordLayout) self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.tabWidget) self.dockWidget.setLayout(self.mainLayout) # tell the dock window this is the widget to display self.setWidget(self.dockWidget) # keep a track of the last QueryInfo in case we need to redisplay # when the user changes color self.lastqi = None # allow plot scaling to be changed by user # Min, Max. None means 'auto'. self.plotScaling = (None, None) # so if we are turning on a tool because another tool # in another window has been turned on, we don't undo # that tool being enabled. As oppossed to user unclicking # the tool self.suppressToolReset = False # do these last - some slots are called than need the above # variables. self.setupActions() self.setupToolbar() layer = viewwidget.layers.getTopRasterLayer() if layer is not None: if (len(layer.stretch.bands) == 1 and layer.attributes.hasAttributes()): self.setupTableThematic(None, layer) else: self.setupTableContinuous(None, layer) # now update UI to show unlock state is false self.setUIUpdateState(False)
[docs] def storeLastSelection(self): "Take a copy of self.selectionArray and store it" if self.selectionArray is not None: self.lastSelectionArray = self.selectionArray.copy()
[docs] def getColorIcon(self, color): """ Returns the icon for the change color tool which is based on the current color """ pixmap = QPixmap(24, 24) pixmap.fill(color) return QIcon(pixmap)
[docs] def setupActions(self): """ Create the actions to be shown on the toolbar """ self.toolActions = [] self.followAction = QAction(self) self.followAction.setText("&Follow Query Tool") self.followAction.setStatusTip("Follow Query Tool") self.followAction.setIcon(QIcon(":/viewer/images/query.png")) self.followAction.setCheckable(True) self.followAction.setChecked(True) self.cursorColorAction = QAction(self, triggered=self.changeCursorColor) self.cursorColorAction.setText("&Change Cursor Color") self.cursorColorAction.setStatusTip("Change Cursor Color") icon = self.getColorIcon(self.cursorColor) self.cursorColorAction.setIcon(icon) self.increaseCursorSizeAction = QAction(self, triggered=self.increaseCursorSize) self.increaseCursorSizeAction.setText("&Increase Cursor Size") self.increaseCursorSizeAction.setStatusTip("Increase Cursor Size") icon = QIcon(":/viewer/images/queryincrease.png") self.increaseCursorSizeAction.setIcon(icon) self.decreaseCursorSizeAction = QAction(self, triggered=self.decreaseCursorSize) self.decreaseCursorSizeAction.setText("&Decrease Cursor Size") self.decreaseCursorSizeAction.setStatusTip("Decrease Cursor Size") icon = QIcon(":/viewer/images/querydecrease.png") self.decreaseCursorSizeAction.setIcon(icon) self.labelAction = QAction(self, toggled=self.changeLabel) self.labelAction.setText("&Display Plot Labels") self.labelAction.setStatusTip("Display Plot Labels") self.labelAction.setIcon(QIcon(":/viewer/images/label.png")) self.labelAction.setCheckable(True) self.labelAction.setChecked(True) self.savePlotAction = QAction(self, triggered=self.savePlot) self.savePlotAction.setText("&Save Plot") self.savePlotAction.setStatusTip("Save Plot") self.savePlotAction.setIcon(QIcon(":/viewer/images/saveplot.png")) self.highlightAction = QAction(self, toggled=self.highlight) self.highlightAction.setText("&Highlight Selection (CTRL+H)") self.highlightAction.setStatusTip("Highlight Selection") self.highlightAction.setIcon(QIcon(":/viewer/images/highlight.png")) self.highlightAction.setCheckable(True) self.highlightAction.setChecked(True) self.highlightAction.setShortcut("CTRL+H") self.highlightColorAction = QAction(self, triggered=self.changeHighlightColor) self.highlightColorAction.setText("Ch&ange Highlight Color") self.highlightColorAction.setStatusTip("Change Highlight Color") icon = self.getColorIcon(self.highlightColor) self.highlightColorAction.setIcon(icon) self.removeSelectionAction = QAction(self, triggered=self.removeSelection) self.removeSelectionAction.setText("&Remove Current Selection") self.removeSelectionAction.setStatusTip("Remove Current Selection") icon = QIcon(":/viewer/images/removeselection.png") self.removeSelectionAction.setIcon(icon) self.selectAllAction = QAction(self, triggered=self.selectAll) self.selectAllAction.setText("Se&lect All") self.selectAllAction.setStatusTip("Select All Rows") icon = QIcon(":/viewer/images/selectall.png") self.selectAllAction.setIcon(icon) self.expressionAction = QAction(self, triggered=self.showUserExpression) self.expressionAction.setText("Select using an &Expression") self.expressionAction.setStatusTip("Select using an Expression") icon = QIcon(":/viewer/images/userexpression.png") self.expressionAction.setIcon(icon) self.unlockDatasetAction = QAction(self, toggled=self.unlockDataset) self.unlockDatasetAction.setText("Toggle &updates to dataset") self.unlockDatasetAction.setStatusTip( "Toggle whether updates are allowed to dataset") icon = QIcon(":/viewer/images/lock.png") self.unlockDatasetAction.setIcon(icon) self.unlockDatasetAction.setCheckable(True) self.addColumnAction = QAction(self, triggered=self.addColumn) self.addColumnAction.setText("Add C&olumn") self.addColumnAction.setStatusTip("Add Column") self.addColumnAction.setIcon(QIcon(":/viewer/images/addcolumn.png")) self.saveColOrderAction = QAction(self, triggered=self.saveColOrder) self.saveColOrderAction.setText("Sa&ve Column Order") self.saveColOrderAction.setStatusTip("Save Column Order to file") icon = QIcon(":/viewer/images/savecolumnorder.png") self.saveColOrderAction.setIcon(icon) self.geogSelectAction = QAction(self, toggled=self.geogSelect) self.geogSelectAction.setText( "&Geographic Selection by Polygon (ALT+G)") self.geogSelectAction.setStatusTip( "Select rows by geographic selection") icon = QIcon(":/viewer/images/geographicselect.png") self.geogSelectAction.setIcon(icon) self.geogSelectAction.setCheckable(True) self.geogSelectAction.setShortcut("ALT+G") self.toolActions.append(self.geogSelectAction) self.geogSelectLineAction = QAction(self, toggled=self.geogLineSelect) self.geogSelectLineAction.setText( "Geographic Selection by &Line (ALT+L)") self.geogSelectLineAction.setStatusTip( "Select rows by geographic selection with Line") icon = QIcon(":/viewer/images/geographiclineselect.png") self.geogSelectLineAction.setIcon(icon) self.geogSelectLineAction.setCheckable(True) self.geogSelectLineAction.setShortcut("ALT+L") self.toolActions.append(self.geogSelectLineAction) self.geogSelectPointAction = QAction(self, toggled=self.geogPointSelect) self.geogSelectPointAction.setText( "Geographic Selection by &Point (ALT+P)") self.geogSelectPointAction.setStatusTip( "Select rows by geographic selection with Point") icon = QIcon(":/viewer/images/geographicpointselect.png") self.geogSelectPointAction.setIcon(icon) self.geogSelectPointAction.setCheckable(True) self.geogSelectPointAction.setShortcut("ALT+P") self.toolActions.append(self.geogSelectPointAction) self.plotScalingAction = QAction(self, triggered=self.onPlotScaling) self.plotScalingAction.setText("Set Plot Scaling") self.plotScalingAction.setStatusTip("Set Plot Scaling") icon = QIcon(":/viewer/images/setplotscale.png") self.plotScalingAction.setIcon(icon)
[docs] def setupToolbar(self): """ Add the actions to the toolbar """ self.toolBar.addAction(self.followAction) self.toolBar.addAction(self.cursorColorAction) self.toolBar.addAction(self.increaseCursorSizeAction) self.toolBar.addAction(self.decreaseCursorSizeAction) self.toolBar.addAction(self.highlightAction) self.toolBar.addAction(self.highlightColorAction) self.toolBar.addAction(self.removeSelectionAction) self.toolBar.addAction(self.selectAllAction) self.toolBar.addAction(self.expressionAction) self.toolBar.addAction(self.unlockDatasetAction) self.toolBar.addAction(self.addColumnAction) self.toolBar.addAction(self.saveColOrderAction) self.toolBar.addAction(self.geogSelectAction) self.toolBar.addAction(self.geogSelectLineAction) self.toolBar.addAction(self.geogSelectPointAction) self.toolBar.addAction(self.labelAction) self.toolBar.addAction(self.savePlotAction) self.toolBar.addAction(self.plotScalingAction)
[docs] def changeCursorColor(self): """ User wishes to change cursor color """ initial = self.cursorColor newcolor = QColorDialog.getColor(initial, self, "Choose Cursor Color", QColorDialog.ShowAlphaChannel) if newcolor.isValid(): # change the toolbar icon self.cursorColor = newcolor icon = self.getColorIcon(self.cursorColor) self.cursorColorAction.setIcon(icon) # if there is a previous point, redisplay in new color if self.lastqi is not None: self.viewwidget.setQueryPoint(id(self), self.lastqi.easting, self.lastqi.northing, newcolor, self.cursorSize) if self.lastqi is not None: # to get new color self.updatePlot(self.lastqi, newcolor)
[docs] def increaseCursorSize(self): """ increase the cursor size """ if self.lastqi is not None: self.cursorSize += QUERYWIDGET_DEFAULT_CURSORSIZE self.viewwidget.setQueryPoint(id(self), self.lastqi.easting, self.lastqi.northing, self.cursorColor, self.cursorSize)
[docs] def decreaseCursorSize(self): """ increase the cursor size """ if (self.lastqi is not None and self.cursorSize > QUERYWIDGET_DEFAULT_CURSORSIZE): self.cursorSize -= QUERYWIDGET_DEFAULT_CURSORSIZE self.viewwidget.setQueryPoint(id(self), self.lastqi.easting, self.lastqi.northing, self.cursorColor, self.cursorSize)
[docs] def changeHighlightColor(self): """ User wishes to change highlight color """ initial = self.highlightColor newcolor = QColorDialog.getColor(initial, self, "Choose Highlight Color", QColorDialog.ShowAlphaChannel) if newcolor.isValid(): # change the toolbar icon self.highlightColor = newcolor icon = self.getColorIcon(self.highlightColor) self.highlightColorAction.setIcon(icon) # re-highlight the selected rows if self.highlightAction.isChecked(): self.highlight(True)
[docs] def changeLabel(self, checked): """ State of display labels check has been changed. Redisplay plot. """ if self.lastqi is not None: self.updatePlot(self.lastqi, self.cursorColor)
[docs] def savePlot(self): """ Save the plot as a file. Either .pdf or .ps QPrinter chooses format based on extension. """ from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter from PyQt5.QtPrintSupport import QPrinter from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFileDialog fname, filter = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Plot File", filter="PDF (*.pdf);;Postscript (*.ps)") if fname != '': printer = QPrinter() printer.setOrientation(QPrinter.Landscape) printer.setColorMode(QPrinter.Color) printer.setOutputFileName(fname) printer.setResolution(96) painter = QPainter() painter.begin(printer) self.plotWidget.render(painter) painter.end()
[docs] def onPlotScaling(self): """ Allows the user to change the Y axis scaling of the plot """ from .plotscalingdialog import PlotScalingDialog if self.lastqi is not None: data = else: # uint8 default if no data data = numpy.array([0, 1], dtype=numpy.uint8) dlg = PlotScalingDialog(self, self.plotScaling, data) if dlg.exec_() == PlotScalingDialog.Accepted: self.plotScaling = dlg.getScale() if self.lastqi is not None: self.updatePlot(self.lastqi, self.cursorColor)
[docs] def highlight(self, state): """ Highlight the currently selected rows on the map state contains whether we are enabling this or not """ # tell the widget to update try: if state: self.viewwidget.highlightValues(self.highlightColor, self.selectionArray) else: self.viewwidget.highlightValues(self.highlightColor, None) except viewererrors.InvalidDataset: pass
[docs] def removeSelection(self): """ Remove the current selection from the table widget """ self.storeLastSelection() self.selectionArray.fill(False) self.updateToolTip() if self.highlightAction.isChecked(): self.viewwidget.highlightValues(self.highlightColor, self.selectionArray) # so we repaint and our itemdelegate gets called self.tableModel.curSel = None self.tableModel.doUpdate()
[docs] def selectAll(self): """ Select all the rows in the table """ self.storeLastSelection() self.selectionArray.fill(True) self.updateToolTip() if self.highlightAction.isChecked(): self.viewwidget.highlightValues(self.highlightColor, self.selectionArray) # so we repaint and our itemdelegate gets called self.tableModel.doUpdate()
[docs] def showUserExpression(self): """ Allow user to enter expression to select rows """ dlg = UserExpressionDialog(self) hint = """Hint: Enter an expression using column names (ie 'col_a < 10'). Combine more complicated expressions with '&' and '|'. For example '(a < 10) & (b > 1)'\n Any other numpy expressions also valid - columns are represented as numpy arrays. Use the special columns: 'row' for the row number and 'isselected' for the currently selected rows 'queryrow' is the currently queried row and 'lastselected' is the previous selected rows""" dlg.setHint(hint) dlg.newExpression['QString'].connect(self.newSelectUserExpression)
[docs] def previousSelected(self): self.tableModel.scrollToPreviousSelected()
[docs] def nextSelected(self): self.tableModel.scrollToNextSelected()
[docs] def unlockDataset(self, state): """ User wants to lock or unlock dataset """ try: self.lastLayer.changeUpdateAccess(state) self.tableModel.doUpdate(True) self.setUIUpdateState(state) except IOError: msg = """TuiView was unable to re-open the dataset The file no longer exists or is inaccessible. The application will now exit.""" # unfortunaltely we cannot display the messagebox # since Qt will still want to redraw the RAT # which we don't have access to. So just exit raise SystemExit(msg) except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(self, MESSAGE_TITLE, str(e)) state = self.lastLayer.updateAccess self.unlockDatasetAction.setChecked(state) self.setUIUpdateState(state)
[docs] def setUIUpdateState(self, state): """ Update the bits of the UI that change when the update state changes. """ self.addColumnAction.setEnabled(state) self.saveColOrderAction.setEnabled(state) self.thematicHorizontalHeader.editColumnAction.setEnabled(state) self.thematicHorizontalHeader.setKeyboardEditAction.setEnabled(state) self.thematicHorizontalHeader.setColorAction.setEnabled(state)
[docs] def scrollToFirstSelected(self): "scroll to the first selected row" # find the first selected index and scroll to it selectedIdx = self.selectionArray.nonzero()[0] # first axis if selectedIdx.size != 0: # scroll to the new index - remembering the existing horizontal # scroll value horiz_scroll_bar = self.tableView.horizontalScrollBar() horiz_pos = horiz_scroll_bar.sliderPosition() self.thematicScrollBar.setSliderPosition(selectedIdx[0]) horiz_scroll_bar.setSliderPosition(horiz_pos)
[docs] def userNewCoord(self): """ User has pressed enter on one of the coord boxes Tell widget we want to move """ index = self.coordTypeCombo.currentIndex() mode = self.coordTypeCombo.itemData(index) # should have been validated by the time we got here so # should be valid floats x = float(self.eastingEdit.text()) y = float(self.northingEdit.text()) if mode == COORD_NORTHING_EASTINGS: self.viewwidget.newQueryPoint(easting=x, northing=y) elif mode == COORD_PIXELS: self.viewwidget.newQueryPoint(column=x, row=y) else: self.viewwidget.newQueryPoint(long=x, lat=y)
[docs] def newSelectUserExpression(self, expression): """ Called in reponse to signal from UserExpressionDialog for selection """ try: # get the numpy array with bools attributes = self.lastLayer.attributes queryRow = self.tableModel.highlightRow result = attributes.evaluateUserSelectExpression(str(expression), self.selectionArray, queryRow, self.lastSelectionArray) self.storeLastSelection() # use it as our selection array self.selectionArray = result # if we are following the hightlight then update that if self.highlightAction.isChecked(): self.viewwidget.highlightValues(self.highlightColor, self.selectionArray) self.scrollToFirstSelected() self.updateToolTip() # so we repaint and our itemdelegate gets called self.tableModel.doUpdate() except viewererrors.UserExpressionError as e: QMessageBox.critical(self, MESSAGE_TITLE, str(e))
[docs] def addColumn(self): """ User wants to add a column """ from .addcolumndialog import AddColumnDialog attributes = self.lastLayer.attributes dlg = AddColumnDialog(self) if dlg.exec_() == AddColumnDialog.Accepted: dtype = dlg.getColumnType() colname = dlg.getColumnName() try: attributes.addColumn(colname, dtype) except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(self, MESSAGE_TITLE, str(e)) self.tableModel.doUpdate(True)
[docs] def editColumn(self, col): """ User has requested to edit a column """ dlg = UserExpressionDialog(self, col=col) hint = """Hint: Enter an expression using column names (ie 'col_a * 2.1'). Or a scalar (ie '3'). Note: only selected rows are changed. Any other numpy expressions also valid - columns are represented as numpy arrays. Use the special columns: 'row' for the row number and 'isselected' for the currently selected rows and 'queryrow' is the currently queried row""" dlg.setHint(hint) dlg.newExpression['QString', int].connect(self.newEditUserExpression) # should be modal?
[docs] def editColor(self): """ Change the colour of the selected rows """ if not self.selectionArray.any(): # if nothing selected, don't even bother QMessageBox.warning(self, MESSAGE_TITLE, "No rows selected") return # get the colour of the first selected one selectedIdx = self.selectionArray.nonzero()[0][0] # first axis first elem attributes = self.lastLayer.attributes # instantiate our own cache since the first selected might not # even be in the model's cache # chunksize of one since we will just be reading one row cache = attributes.getCacheObject(1) cache.setStartRow(selectedIdx) names = attributes.getColumnNames() redname = names[attributes.redColumnIdx] redVal = cache.getValueFromCol(redname, selectedIdx) greenname = names[attributes.greenColumnIdx] greenVal = cache.getValueFromCol(greenname, selectedIdx) bluename = names[attributes.blueColumnIdx] blueVal = cache.getValueFromCol(bluename, selectedIdx) alphaname = names[attributes.alphaColumnIdx] alphaVal = cache.getValueFromCol(alphaname, selectedIdx) initial = safeCreateColor(redVal, greenVal, blueVal, alphaVal) newcolor = QColorDialog.getColor(initial, self, "Choose Cursor Color", QColorDialog.ShowAlphaChannel) if newcolor.isValid(): red = attributes.setColumnToConstant(redname, red, self.selectionArray) green = attributes.setColumnToConstant(redname, green, self.selectionArray) blue = attributes.setColumnToConstant(redname, blue, self.selectionArray) alpha = newcolor.alpha() attributes.setColumnToConstant(redname, alpha, self.selectionArray) # so we repaint and new values get shown self.tableModel.doUpdate() self.updateColorTableInWidget()
[docs] def updateColorTableInWidget(self): """ Call this when the color table changed and the LUT will be reloaded and redisplayed """ # also need to update the widget stretch = self.lastLayer.stretch if stretch.mode == VIEWER_MODE_COLORTABLE: # causes lut to be updated self.viewwidget.setNewStretch(stretch, self.lastLayer)
[docs] def newEditUserExpression(self, expression, col): """ Called in reponse to signal from UserExpressionDialog for editing """ if not self.selectionArray.any(): # if nothing selected, don't even bother return try: # get the rat object to do the work using the cache attributes = self.lastLayer.attributes queryRow = self.tableModel.highlightRow colname = attributes.getColumnNames()[col] attributes.evaluateUserEditExpression(colname, str(expression), self.selectionArray, queryRow) # so we repaint and new values get shown self.tableModel.doUpdate() # was a color table column? if (col == attributes.redColumnIdx or col == attributes.greenColumnIdx or col == attributes.blueColumnIdx or col == attributes.alphaColumnIdx): self.updateColorTableInWidget() # is this a the lookup column? if colname == attributes.getLookupColName(): # can't just use result because we need selectionArray applied col = attributes.getEntireAttribute(colname) self.viewwidget.setColorTableLookup(col, colname) except viewererrors.UserExpressionError as e: QMessageBox.critical(self, MESSAGE_TITLE, str(e))
[docs] def moveColumn(self, col, code): """ Move column left or right in the display based on code. """ attributes = self.lastLayer.attributes columnNames = attributes.getColumnNames() # remove the one we are interested in colName = columnNames.pop(col) if code == MOVE_LEFT and col > 0: col -= 1 elif code == MOVE_RIGHT and col < len(columnNames): col += 1 elif code == MOVE_LEFTMOST: col = 0 elif code == MOVE_RIGHTMOST: col = len(columnNames) columnNames.insert(col, colName) # this should update the color table idxs attributes.findColorTableColumns() self.tableModel.doUpdate(True)
[docs] def setColumnDecimalPlaces(self, colName): """ Allows the user to set the number of decimal places for float columns """ from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QInputDialog attributes = self.lastLayer.attributes currFormat = attributes.getFormat(colName) currDP = int(currFormat[2:-1]) # dodgy but should be ok (newDP, ok) = QInputDialog.getInt(self, MESSAGE_TITLE, "Number of Decimal Places", currDP, 0, 100) if ok: newFormat = "%%.%df" % newDP attributes.setFormat(colName, newFormat) self.tableModel.doUpdate()
[docs] def setColumnAsLookup(self, colName): """ Allows the user to specify a column to be used to lookup the color table """ from .viewerLUT import ViewerLUT attributes = self.lastLayer.attributes if colName == attributes.getLookupColName(): # toggle off attributes.setLookupColName(None) self.viewwidget.setColorTableLookup() else: col = attributes.getEntireAttribute(colName) gdaldataset = self.lastLayer.gdalDataset tables = ViewerLUT.readSurrogateColorTables(gdaldataset) if len(tables) == 0: msg = "File has no surrogate color tables\n" msg = msg + "Use viewerwritetable to insert some" QMessageBox.critical(self, MESSAGE_TITLE, msg) return if len(tables) == 1: # only one - we can assume they want that tablename = list(tables.keys())[0] else: # need to ask them which one from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QInputDialog (tablename, ok) = QInputDialog.getItem(self, MESSAGE_TITLE, "Select color table", list(tables.keys()), editable=False) if not ok: return tablename = str(tablename) attributes.setLookupColName(colName) self.viewwidget.setColorTableLookup(col, colName, tables[tablename], tablename) # so header gets updated self.tableModel.doUpdate(True)
[docs] def setColumnKeyboardEdit(self, colName): """ set column to receive keyboard events if col already sets, toggles off """ if colName == self.keyboardEditColumn: self.keyboardEditColumn = None self.keyboardData = None else: self.keyboardEditColumn = colName self.keyboardData = '' # seem to need to do this otherwise table keeps focus self.setFocus()
[docs] def saveColOrder(self): """ Get the layer to save the current order of columns into the GDAL metadata """ try: self.lastLayer.writeRATColumnOrder() except viewererrors.InvalidDataset as e: QMessageBox.critical(self, MESSAGE_TITLE, str(e))
[docs] def activeToolChanged(self, obj): """ Called in response to the activeToolChanged signal from the widget. If it wasn't called by us, unset our tools """ if obj.senderid != id(self): self.suppressToolReset = True for tool in self.toolActions: tool.setChecked(False) self.suppressToolReset = False
[docs] def layersChanged(self): """ Called in response to layersChanged signal from viewerlayers. We check to see if our lastLayer has been removed and if so, close. """ if self.lastLayer is not None: if self.lastLayer not in self.viewwidget.layers.layers: # closing doesn't actually delete straight away # so decref the layer so file can be accessed elsewhere self.lastLayer = None # this also has a reference to the layer self.lastqi = None self.close()
[docs] def newPolyGeogSelect(self, polyInfo): """ New polygon just been selected as part of a geographical select """ # if not a signal for us, ignore if not self.geogSelectAction.isChecked(): return # polyInfo is a PolygonToolInfo # get selection in poly selectMask = polyInfo.getDisplaySelectionMask() # valid daya validMask = polyInfo.getDisplayValidMask() # we want both - flatten for compress mask = numpy.logical_and(selectMask, validMask).flatten() # get the actual data data = polyInfo.getDisplayData().flatten() # get data where mask==True idx = numpy.unique(data.compress(mask)) self.storeLastSelection() # reset if they havent hit Ctrl if int(polyInfo.getInputModifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier) == 0: self.selectionArray.fill(False) # select rows found in poly self.selectionArray[idx] = True if self.highlightAction.isChecked(): self.viewwidget.highlightValues(self.highlightColor, self.selectionArray) self.scrollToFirstSelected() self.updateToolTip() # so we repaint and our itemdelegate gets called self.tableModel.doUpdate() # so keyboard entry etc works self.activateWindow()
[docs] def newLineGeogSelect(self, lineInfo): """ New polyline just been selected as part of a geographical select """ # if not a signal for us, ignore if not self.geogSelectLineAction.isChecked(): return # lineInfo is an instance of PolylineToolInfo data, mask, distance = lineInfo.getProfile() # we only interested where mask == True idx = numpy.unique(data.compress(mask)) self.storeLastSelection() # reset if they havent hit Ctrl if int(lineInfo.getInputModifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier) == 0: self.selectionArray.fill(False) # select rows found in line self.selectionArray[idx] = True if self.highlightAction.isChecked(): self.viewwidget.highlightValues(self.highlightColor, self.selectionArray) self.scrollToFirstSelected() self.updateToolTip() # so we repaint and our itemdelegate gets called self.tableModel.doUpdate() # so keyboard entry etc works self.activateWindow()
[docs] def displayCoordsModeChanged(self, index): """ The mode of the coords display has changed """ if self.followAction.isChecked() and self.lastqi is not None: mode = self.coordTypeCombo.itemData(index) # set the coords if mode == COORD_NORTHING_EASTINGS: self.eastingEdit.setText("%.5f" % self.lastqi.easting) self.northingEdit.setText("%.5f" % self.lastqi.northing) elif mode == COORD_PIXELS: self.eastingEdit.setText("%.5f" % self.lastqi.column) self.northingEdit.setText("%.5f" % self.lastqi.row) else: self.eastingEdit.setText("%.10f" % self.lastqi.long) self.northingEdit.setText("%.10f" %
[docs] def geogSelect(self, checked): """ Turn on the polygon tool so we can select the area """ # ask for a polygon to be collected if checked: self.geogSelectLineAction.setChecked(False) self.geogSelectPointAction.setChecked(False) self.viewwidget.setActiveTool(VIEWER_TOOL_POLYGON, id(self)) elif not self.suppressToolReset: # reset tool self.viewwidget.setActiveTool(VIEWER_TOOL_QUERY, id(self))
[docs] def geogLineSelect(self, checked): """ Turn on the polyline tool so we can select the area """ # ask for a polyline to be collected if checked: self.geogSelectAction.setChecked(False) self.geogSelectPointAction.setChecked(False) self.viewwidget.setActiveTool(VIEWER_TOOL_POLYLINE, id(self)) elif not self.suppressToolReset: # reset tool self.viewwidget.setActiveTool(VIEWER_TOOL_QUERY, id(self))
[docs] def geogPointSelect(self, checked): """ Turn on the query tool so we can select a point """ # ask for a point to be collected if checked: self.geogSelectAction.setChecked(False) self.geogSelectLineAction.setChecked(False) if not self.suppressToolReset: self.viewwidget.setActiveTool(VIEWER_TOOL_QUERY, id(self))
[docs] def updateToolTip(self): """ When in thematic mode we set a toolip over the attributes that tells the user how many items selected """ # in numpy, False=0 and True=1 so we can do a sum() # to find how many selected nselected = self.selectionArray.sum() self.tableView.setToolTip("%d Selected" % nselected)
[docs] def setToolBarState(self, thematic): """ Set tool bar state to either thematic (True) or continuous (False). This enables/disables some of the toolbar buttons and the table header contect menu """ self.highlightAction.setEnabled(thematic) self.highlightColorAction.setEnabled(thematic) self.expressionAction.setEnabled(thematic) self.addColumnAction.setEnabled(thematic) self.removeSelectionAction.setEnabled(thematic) self.selectAllAction.setEnabled(thematic) self.expressionAction.setEnabled(thematic) self.unlockDatasetAction.setEnabled(thematic) self.addColumnAction.setEnabled(thematic) self.saveColOrderAction.setEnabled(thematic) self.geogSelectAction.setEnabled(thematic) self.geogSelectLineAction.setEnabled(thematic) self.geogSelectPointAction.setEnabled(thematic) self.thematicHorizontalHeader.setThematicMode(thematic) self.thematicVerticalHeader.setThematicMode(thematic)
[docs] def setupTableContinuous(self, data, layer): """ setup the table for displaying Continuous data. This is a row per band with the pixel values for each band shown The current red, green and blue bands have an icon """ # disable relevant toolbars self.setToolBarState(False) # any new thematic data after this will have to be reloaded self.lastAttributeCount = -1 self.lastAttributeid = -1 self.lastLayer = layer self.thematicScrollBar.setVisible(False) self.thematicScrollPreviousBtn.setVisible(False) self.thematicScrollNextBtn.setVisible(False) self.tableView.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) self.tableModel = ContinuousTableModel(data, layer.bandNames, layer.stretch, self) self.tableView.setModel(self.tableModel) self.selectionArray = None # no selections self.tableView.setToolTip("") # disable toolip # attempt to set the size of the Value colunm to something sensible if data is not None: largestString = "Value" # name of column - don't make smaller than this largestStringSize = len(largestString) for d in data: s = "%s" % d size = len(s) if size > largestStringSize: largestStringSize = size largestString = s fm = self.tableView.fontMetrics() size = fm.size(Qt.TextSingleLine, largestString) self.tableView.setColumnWidth(2, size.width() + 20)
[docs] def setupTableThematic(self, data, layer): """ For a single band dataset with attributes. Displays the attributes as a table and highlights the current value in the table. """ # enable relevant toolbars self.setToolBarState(True) # do we need a new table model? # do we have a new id() if the attribute obj # or a new count of the file opened by that object if (id(layer.attributes) != self.lastAttributeid or layer.attributes.count != self.lastAttributeCount): self.lastAttributeCount = layer.attributes.count self.lastAttributeid = id(layer.attributes) self.lastLayer = layer self.thematicScrollBar.setVisible(True) self.thematicScrollPreviousBtn.setVisible(True) self.thematicScrollNextBtn.setVisible(True) self.tableView.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.tableModel = ThematicTableModel(layer.attributes, self.tableView, self.thematicScrollBar, self) self.tableView.setModel(self.tableModel) # create our selection array to record which items selected self.selectionArray = numpy.empty(layer.attributes.getNumRows(), bool) self.lastSelectionArray = None self.selectionArray.fill(False) # none selected by default # set the highlight row if there is data if data is not None: val = data[0] self.tableModel.setHighlightRow(val) # scroll to the new index - remembering the existing horizontal # scroll value horiz_scroll_bar = self.tableView.horizontalScrollBar() horiz_pos = horiz_scroll_bar.sliderPosition() horiz_scroll_bar.setSliderPosition(horiz_pos) self.thematicScrollBar.setSliderPosition(val) self.updateToolTip() # so the items get redrawn and old highlight areas get removed self.tableModel.doUpdate(True)
[docs] def locationSelected(self, qi): """ The ViewerWidget has told us it has a new coordinate from the query tool. """ if self.geogSelectPointAction.isChecked(): value =[0] self.storeLastSelection() # reset if they havent hit Ctrl if (qi.modifiers is not None and int(qi.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) == 0): self.selectionArray.fill(False) # select rows found in point self.selectionArray[value] = True if self.highlightAction.isChecked(): self.viewwidget.highlightValues(self.highlightColor, self.selectionArray) self.scrollToFirstSelected() self.updateToolTip() # so we repaint and our itemdelegate gets called self.tableModel.doUpdate() # so keyboard entry etc works self.activateWindow() if self.followAction.isChecked(): # set the coords index = self.coordTypeCombo.currentIndex() mode = self.coordTypeCombo.itemData(index) # set the coords if mode == COORD_NORTHING_EASTINGS: self.eastingEdit.setText("%.5f" % qi.easting) self.northingEdit.setText("%.5f" % qi.northing) elif mode == COORD_PIXELS: self.eastingEdit.setText("%.5f" % qi.column) self.northingEdit.setText("%.5f" % qi.row) else: self.eastingEdit.setText("%.10f" % qi.long) self.northingEdit.setText("%.10f" % nbands =[0] # do the attribute thing if there is only one band # and we have attributes if nbands == 1 and qi.layer.attributes.hasAttributes(): self.setupTableThematic(, qi.layer) else: # otherwise the multi band table self.setupTableContinuous(, qi.layer) # set up the plot self.updatePlot(qi, self.cursorColor) # window title title = "Query: %s" % qi.layer.title self.setWindowTitle(title) # add/modify this is a query point to the widget self.viewwidget.setQueryPoint(id(self), qi.easting, qi.northing, self.cursorColor, self.cursorSize) # remember this qi in case we need to change color self.lastqi = qi
[docs] def updatePlot(self, qi, color): """ Updates the plot widget with new data/color """ self.plotWidget.removeCurves() self.plotWidget.removeLabels() pen = QPen(color) nbands =[0] if qi.layer.wavelengths is None: # no wavelengths stored with data - just use band number xdata = numpy.arange(1, nbands + 1, 1) else: xdata = numpy.array(qi.layer.wavelengths) curve = plotwidget.PlotCurve(xdata,, pen) self.plotWidget.addCurve(curve) self.plotWidget.setXRange(xmin=xdata[0]) # just plot the range of the data # Calculate the interval for x-axis labels and plot labels # so that if there are more than 10 bands not all are labeled. # The interval between labels is set to provide ~ 10 labels. if len(xdata) > 10: label_interval = int(len(xdata) / 10.0) else: label_interval = 1 # only do new labels if they have asked for them. if self.labelAction.isChecked(): count = 1 for x, y, text in zip(xdata[::label_interval],[::label_interval], qi.layer.bandNames[::label_interval]): # align appropriately for first and last if count == 1: flags = Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop else: flags = Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTop label = plotwidget.PlotLabel(x, y, text, flags) self.plotWidget.addLabel(label) count += 1 # set xticks - we want descrete points # where there is data, if there are less than 10 bands # If there are more than 10, set interval so there are ~ 10 labels xticks = [plotwidget.PlotTick(int(x), "%d" % x) for x in xdata[::label_interval]] # set the alignment on the rightmost one so it gets displayed, # not chopped xticks[-1].flags = Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTop self.plotWidget.setXTicks(xticks) # set scaling if needed minScale, maxScale = self.plotScaling if minScale is None and maxScale is None: # set back to auto self.plotWidget.setYRange() else: # we need to provide both min and max so # derive from data if needed if minScale is None: minScale = if maxScale is None: maxScale = self.plotWidget.setYRange(minScale, maxScale)
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): """ Window is being closed - inform parent window """ self.viewwidget.removeQueryPoint(id(self)) self.queryClosed.emit(self)
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): """ User has pressed a key. See if we are recording keystrokes and updating attribute columns """ from osgeo.gdal import GFT_Real, GFT_Integer, GFT_String if self.keyboardData is not None: key = event.key() if key == Qt.Key_Enter or key == Qt.Key_Return: try: attributes = self.lastLayer.attributes colname = self.keyboardEditColumn data = str(self.keyboardData) attributes.setColumnToConstant(colname, data, self.selectionArray) # so we repaint and new values get shown self.tableModel.doUpdate() # is this a the lookup column? if colname == attributes.getLookupColName(): # can't just use result because we need selectionArray applied col = attributes.getEntireAttribute(colname) self.viewwidget.setColorTableLookup(col, colname) except viewererrors.UserExpressionError as e: QMessageBox.critical(self, MESSAGE_TITLE, str(e)) self.keyboardData = '' else: text = str(event.text()) attributes = self.lastLayer.attributes dtype = attributes.getType(self.keyboardEditColumn) if dtype == GFT_Real and (text.isdigit() or text == "."): self.keyboardData += text elif dtype == GFT_Integer and text.isdigit(): self.keyboardData += text elif dtype == GFT_String and text.isalnum(): self.keyboardData += text