Source code for tuiview.viewerlayers

this module contains the LayerManager and related classes
# This file is part of 'TuiView' - a simple Raster viewer
# Copyright (C) 2012  Sam Gillingham
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

import os
import json
import numpy
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import gdal_array
from osgeo import osr
from osgeo import ogr
from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QPainter, QPen
from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSignal
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox
import threading
import queue

from . import viewerRAT
from . import viewerLUT
from . import viewerstretch
from . import coordinatemgr
from . import viewererrors
from . import vectorrasterizer
from .viewerstrings import MESSAGE_TITLE

# number of threads to call layer.getImage on - only raster layers supported
# convert to int with care
except ValueError:

# Check if data without geospatial information is allowed
if ALLOW_NOGEO.upper() == 'YES':
    ALLOW_NOGEO = True
    ALLOW_NOGEO = False
# raise exceptions rather than returning None

COLOR_INTERP_STR = {gdal.GCI_AlphaBand: 'Alpha', gdal.GCI_BlackBand: 'Black',
    gdal.GCI_BlueBand: 'Blue', gdal.GCI_CyanBand: 'Cyan',
    gdal.GCI_GrayIndex: 'Gray', gdal.GCI_GreenBand: 'Green',
    gdal.GCI_HueBand: 'Hue', gdal.GCI_LightnessBand: 'Lightness',
    gdal.GCI_MagentaBand: 'Magenta', gdal.GCI_PaletteIndex: 'PaletteIndex',
    gdal.GCI_RedBand: 'Red', gdal.GCI_SaturationBand: 'Saturation',
    gdal.GCI_Undefined: 'Undefined', gdal.GCI_YCbCr_CbBand: 'YCbCr_Cb',
    gdal.GCI_YCbCr_CrBand: 'YCbCr_Cr', gdal.GCI_YCbCr_YBand: 'YCbCr_Y',
    gdal.GCI_YellowBand: 'Yellow'}

def _callGetImage(q):
    Calls getImage on each layer in the queue.
    Passed to a thread
    while True:
        layer = q.get()

    return None

[docs]class OverviewInfo(object): """ Stores size and index of an overview """ def __init__(self, xsize, ysize, fullrespixperpix, index): self.xsize = xsize self.ysize = ysize self.fullrespixperpix = fullrespixperpix self.index = index
[docs]class OverviewManager(object): """ This class contains a list of valid overviews and allows the best overview to be retrieved """ def __init__(self): self.overviews = None
[docs] def getFullRes(self): "Get the full res overview - ie the non overview image" return self.overviews[0]
[docs] def overviewsPresentInFile(self): "return whether overviews are present. Call loadOverviewInfo first" return len(self.overviews) > 1
[docs] def loadOverviewInfo(self, ds, bands): """ Load the overviews from the GDAL dataset into a list bands should be a list or tuple of band indices. Checks are made that all lists bands contain the same sized overviews """ # i think we can assume that all the bands are the same size # add an info for the full res - this should always be location 0 ovi = OverviewInfo(ds.RasterXSize, ds.RasterYSize, 1.0, 0) self.overviews = [ovi] # for the overviews # start with the first band and go from there try: band = ds.GetRasterBand(bands[0]) except RuntimeError as e: # when the stretch refers to a band that does not exist # this is the first bit of code that fails # raise a proper exceptions raise viewererrors.InvalidStretch(str(e)) count = band.GetOverviewCount() for index in range(count): ov = band.GetOverview(index) # do the other bands have the same resolution overview # at the same index? overviewok = True for bandnum in bands[1:]: otherband = ds.GetRasterBand(bandnum) otherov = otherband.GetOverview(index) if otherov.XSize != ov.XSize or otherov.YSize != ov.YSize: overviewok = False break if overviewok: # calc the conversion to full res pixels fullrespixperpix = float(ds.RasterXSize) / float(ov.XSize) # should do both ways? # remember index 0 is full res so all real overviews are +1 ovi = OverviewInfo(ov.XSize, ov.YSize, fullrespixperpix, index + 1) self.overviews.append(ovi) # make sure they are sorted by area - biggest first self.overviews.sort(key=lambda ov: ov.xsize * ov.ysize, reverse=True)
[docs] def findBestOverview(self, imgpixperwinpix): """ Finds the best overview for given imgpixperwinpix """ selectedovi = self.overviews[0] for ovi in self.overviews[1:]: if ovi.fullrespixperpix > imgpixperwinpix: break # gone too far, selectedovi is selected else: # got here overview must be ok, but keep going selectedovi = ovi return selectedovi
NOTSET_STRING = 'Not Set' "Returned when one of the property items not set on the file"
[docs]class PropertyInfo(object): """ Container for Info for proerties window """ def __init__(self): self.fileInfo = [] # list of tuples = None # SpatialReference self.bandInfo = [] # list of lists of tuples self.bandNames = [] # list of strings self.histograms = {} # dictionary of min, max, data tuples keyed on bandName
[docs] def addFileInfo(self, name, value): "Add a file info" self.fileInfo.append((name, value))
[docs] def setSR(self, sr): "set spatial reference" = sr
[docs] def getUTMZone(self): "get the UTM zone, if set" utmZone = NOTSET_STRING if is not None: zone = if zone != 0: utmZone = str(zone) return utmZone
[docs] def getProjection(self): "get the projection, if set" proj = NOTSET_STRING if is not None: proj ='PROJECTION') return proj
[docs] def getDatum(self): "get the datum, if set" datum = NOTSET_STRING if is not None: datum ='DATUM') return datum
[docs] def getSpheroid(self): "get spheroid, if set" spheroid = NOTSET_STRING if is not None: spheroid ='SPHEROID') return spheroid
[docs] def getUnits(self): "get the units, if set" units = NOTSET_STRING if is not None: units = return units
[docs] def getWKT(self): "get the projection as a WKT" wkt = NOTSET_STRING if is not None: wkt = return wkt
[docs] def addBandInfo(self, bandName, infoList): "sets info for a band" self.bandInfo.append(infoList) self.bandNames.append(bandName)
[docs] def addHistogramInfo(self, bandName, histInfo): """ sets histogram info for a band. Should be a tuple of min, max, data """ self.histograms[bandName] = histInfo
[docs]class ViewerLayer(object): """ Base class for a type of layer """ def __init__(self): self.image = None self.filename = None self.title = None # basename of filename self.displayed = True # use LayerManager.setDisplayedState self.quiet = False # not displayed in title bar. Set when calling add*()
[docs] def getImage(self): "return a QImage with the data in it" raise NotImplementedError("Must implement in derived class")
[docs] def getPropertiesInfo(self): "Return the properties as a PropertyInfo instance we can show the user" raise NotImplementedError("Must implement in derived class")
[docs] def toFile(self, fileobj): "write information to re-create layer as JSON" raise NotImplementedError("Must implement in derived class")
[docs] def fromFile(self, fileobj, width, height): """ Initialise this instance of the class with information from json in fileobj """ raise NotImplementedError("Must implement in derived class")
[docs]class ViewerRasterLayer(ViewerLayer): """ Represents a raster layer """ def __init__(self, layermanager): ViewerLayer.__init__(self) self.coordmgr = coordinatemgr.RasterCoordManager() self.gdalDataset = None = None self.updateAccess = False self.transform = None self.bandNames = None self.wavelengths = None self.noDataValues = None self.attributes = viewerRAT.ViewerRAT() self.overviews = OverviewManager() self.lut = viewerLUT.ViewerLUT() self.stretch = None self.image = None # connect the signals from the RAT and LUT back to the layermanager self.lut.newProgress.connect(layermanager.newProgress) self.lut.endProgress.connect(layermanager.endProgress) self.lut.newPercent.connect(layermanager.newPercent) self.attributes.newProgress.connect(layermanager.newProgress) self.attributes.endProgress.connect(layermanager.endProgress) self.attributes.newPercent.connect(layermanager.newPercent)
[docs] def toFile(self, fileobj): """ Write all the information needed to re-open this layer """ dict = {'type': 'raster'} fileobj.write(json.dumps(dict) + '\n') dict = {'filename': self.filename, 'update': self.updateAccess, 'stretch': self.stretch.toString(), 'displayed': self.displayed, 'quiet': self.quiet} fileobj.write(json.dumps(dict) + '\n') self.lut.saveToFile(fileobj)
[docs] def fromFile(self, fileobj, width, height): """ Reads information (written by toFile) and builds a layer assumes that the 'type' line has already been read. """ line = fileobj.readline() dict = json.loads(line) filename = dict['filename'] self.quiet = dict['quiet'] self.displayed = dict['displayed'] ds = gdal.Open(filename) stretch = viewerstretch.ViewerStretch.fromString(dict['stretch']) lut = viewerLUT.ViewerLUT.createFromFile(fileobj, stretch), width, height, stretch, lut) self.changeUpdateAccess(dict['update']) # won't do anything if already ro
[docs] def toLatLong(self, easting, northing): """ Convert from northing as eastings to latlong """ if is not None: ll = osr.SpatialReference() ll.ImportFromEPSG(4326) transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(, ll) lat, long, _ = transform.TransformPoint(easting, northing) return long, lat else: return easting, northing
[docs] def toEastingNorthing(self, long, lat): """ Convert lat/long coord to easting in northing in this layer """ if is not None: ll = osr.SpatialReference() ll.ImportFromEPSG(4326) transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(ll, easting, northing, _ = transform.TransformPoint(lat, long) return easting, northing else: return long, lat
[docs] def open(self, gdalDataset, width, height, stretch, lut=None): """ Open a filename as a raster layer. width and height is the display size. stretch is the ViewerStretch instance to use. if specified, the lut is used to display the data, otherwise calculated from the stretch Keeps a reference to gdalDataset Assumes gdalDataset opened in read only mode. """ # open the file self.filename = gdalDataset.GetDescription() self.title = os.path.basename(self.filename) self.gdalDataset = gdalDataset proj = self.gdalDataset.GetProjection() if proj is not None and proj != '': = osr.SpatialReference(proj) else: = None self.updateAccess = False # do some checks to see if we can deal with the data # currently only support square pixels and non rotated transform = self.gdalDataset.GetGeoTransform() if transform[1] < 0 or transform[5] > 0: if ALLOW_NOGEO: # If image isn't north up, and unmapped data is allowed # flip the pixel resolution to trick TuiView into # handling it as north up data. # Enables opening data with no spatial reference (e.g., # level1 / level1b). transform = (transform[0], transform[1], transform[2], transform[3], transform[4], transform[5] * -1) else: msg = 'Only north-up images allowed. ' \ 'To disable this check set:\n"TUIVIEW_ALLOW_NOGEO=YES"' raise viewererrors.InvalidDataset(msg) if transform[2] != 0 or transform[4] != 0: msg = 'Only non-rotated images supported' raise viewererrors.InvalidDataset(msg) # ideally transform[1] == -transform[5] but might not due to rounding if (((transform[1] + transform[5]) / transform[1]) > VIEWER_NONSQUARE_PIXEL_THRESHOLD): msg = 'Only square pixels supported' raise viewererrors.InvalidDataset(msg) self.transform = transform # store the stretch self.stretch = stretch # load the valid overviews self.overviews.loadOverviewInfo(self.gdalDataset, stretch.bands) # reset these values firstoverview = self.overviews.getFullRes() self.coordmgr.setDisplaySize(width, height) self.coordmgr.setGeoTransformAndSize(transform, firstoverview.xsize, firstoverview.ysize) # This may be changed by the LayerManager if there are other layers self.coordmgr.setTopLeftPixel(0, 0) self.coordmgr.calcZoomFactor(firstoverview.xsize, firstoverview.ysize) # if we are single band read attributes if any if len(stretch.bands) == 1: gdalband = self.gdalDataset.GetRasterBand(stretch.bands[0]) self.attributes.readFromGDALBand(gdalband, self.gdalDataset) if self.attributes.hasAttributes(): # tell stretch to create same size as attribute table self.stretch.setAttributeTableSize(self.attributes.getNumRows()) else: # keep blank self.attributes.clear() # read in the LUT if not specified if lut is None: self.lut.createLUT(self.gdalDataset, stretch, self.attributes) else: self.lut = lut # grab the band names self.bandNames = self.getBandNames() # grab the wavelengths self.wavelengths = self.getWavelengths() # the no data values for each band self.noDataValues = self.getNoDataValues()
[docs] def getBandNames(self): """ Return the list of band names """ bandNames = [] for n in range(self.gdalDataset.RasterCount): band = self.gdalDataset.GetRasterBand(n + 1) name = band.GetDescription() if name == '': # in case the name is missing name = 'Band %d' % (n + 1) bandNames.append(name) return bandNames
[docs] def getWavelengthsMetaFormat(self): """ Get the format used to store wavelenths in the metadata. Note, currently just returns ENVI for all drivers. This can be used for ENVI files and files converted from ENVI format, which retain the same metadata format. """ drivername = self.gdalDataset.GetDriver().ShortName wavelengths_meta_format = None if drivername is not None: wavelengths_meta_format = 'ENVI' return wavelengths_meta_format
[docs] def getWavelengths(self): """ Return the list of wavelength if file they conform to the expected format for the driver (provided by getWavelengthsMetaFormat). """ # Wavelength units to strip off metadata wavelength_units = ['nm', 'um'] wavelengths = [] ok = False wavelengths_meta_format = self.getWavelengthsMetaFormat() if wavelengths_meta_format == 'ENVI': ok = True # GetMetadataItem seems buggy for ENVI # get the lot and go through meta = self.gdalDataset.GetMetadata() # go through each band for n in range(self.gdalDataset.RasterCount): # get the metadata item based on band name metaname = "Band_%d" % (n + 1) if metaname in meta: item = meta[metaname] # Try to replace wavelength units # Do this rather than stripping off letters # as metadata might not be a wavelength for wl_unit in wavelength_units: item = item.replace(wl_unit, '') # If wavelengths are stored as: # 951.20 (951.20) # subset to before bracket if '(' in item: item = item[0:item.find('(')] # try to convert to float try: wl = float(item) except ValueError: ok = False break # must be ok wavelengths.append(wl) else: ok = False break # failed if not ok: wavelengths = None return wavelengths
[docs] def getNoDataValues(self): """ Return a list of no data values - one for each band """ noData = [] for n in range(self.gdalDataset.RasterCount): band = self.gdalDataset.GetRasterBand(n + 1) value = band.GetNoDataValue() # returns None if not set noData.append(value) return noData
[docs] def highlightRows(self, color, selectionArray=None): """ Highlight selected rows in the LUT """ self.lut.highlightRows(color, selectionArray) # re-apply the lut to the data from last time (if there was a last time) if hasattr(self.image, 'viewerdata'): self.image = self.lut.applyLUTSingle(self.image.viewerdata, self.image.viewermask)
[docs] def setColorTableLookup(self, lookupArray=None, colName=None, surrogateLUT=None, surrogateName=None): """ Use array as a lookup to color table """ self.lut.setColorTableLookup(lookupArray, colName, surrogateLUT, surrogateName) # re-apply the lut to the data from last time (if there was a last time) if hasattr(self.image, 'viewerdata'): self.image = self.lut.applyLUTSingle(self.image.viewerdata, self.image.viewermask)
[docs] def setNewStretch(self, newstretch, local=False): """ Set the new stretch """ newbands = self.stretch.bands != newstretch.bands if newbands: # only need to do this if bands have changed self.overviews.loadOverviewInfo(self.gdalDataset, newstretch.bands) image = None if local and not newbands: # we can just grab the stats from the last read image = self.image # if we have an attribute table create stretch same size if self.attributes.hasAttributes(): newstretch.setAttributeTableSize(self.attributes.getNumRows()) self.lut.createLUT(self.gdalDataset, newstretch, self.attributes, image) self.stretch = newstretch # note - we need to do this to reapply the stretch # but it re-reads the data always. # not sure it is a big deal since GDAL caches self.getImage() if local and newbands: # this is a bit of a hack. We needed to do a # getData to get the new bands loaded. Now # we can get the stats and apply the stretch locally self.lut.createLUT(self.gdalDataset, newstretch, self.attributes, self.image) self.getImage()
[docs] def saveStretchToFile(self, stretch): """ Saves the given stretch and current LUT to the file """ if self.updateAccess: # write the stretch stretch.writeToGDAL(self.gdalDataset) # write the LUT self.lut.writeToGDAL(self.gdalDataset) else: # ok we need to close the current file handle and re-open in write mode del self.gdalDataset try: # now open as writeable dataset = gdal.Open(self.filename, gdal.GA_Update) # write the stretch stretch.writeToGDAL(dataset) # write the LUT self.lut.writeToGDAL(dataset) # close this (writeable) file handle del dataset except RuntimeError: raise viewererrors.InvalidDataset('Unable to save stretch to file') finally: # attempt to open the file readonly again self.gdalDataset = gdal.Open(self.filename)
[docs] def deleteStretchFromFile(self): """ deletes the stretch and current LUT from the file """ if self.updateAccess: # delete the stretch viewerstretch.ViewerStretch.deleteFromGDAL(self.gdalDataset) # delete the LUT viewerLUT.ViewerLUT.deleteFromGDAL(self.gdalDataset) else: # ok we need to close the current file handle and re-open in write mode del self.gdalDataset try: # now open as writeable dataset = gdal.Open(self.filename, gdal.GA_Update) # delete the stretch viewerstretch.ViewerStretch.deleteFromGDAL(dataset) # delete the LUT viewerLUT.ViewerLUT.deleteFromGDAL(dataset) # close this (writeable) file handle del dataset except RuntimeError: msg = 'Unable to delete stretch from file' raise viewererrors.InvalidDataset(msg) finally: # attempt to open the file readonly again self.gdalDataset = gdal.Open(self.filename)
[docs] def exportStretchandLUTToText(self, fname): """ Exports the current stretch and lookup table to a JSON formatted text file """ try: fileobj = open(fname, 'w') stretchstr = self.stretch.toString() fileobj.write("%s\n" % stretchstr) self.lut.saveToFile(fileobj) fileobj.close() except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(None, MESSAGE_TITLE, str(e))
[docs] def changeUpdateAccess(self, update): """ Re-opens the GDAL dataset in the new update mode (True for update False for readonly) """ if self.updateAccess == update: # already in this mode - multiple query windows may be out of date # with each other return # close the current file handle and re-open in new mode self.gdalDataset.FlushCache() del self.gdalDataset del self.attributes.gdalRAT try: if update: self.gdalDataset = gdal.Open(self.filename, gdal.GA_Update) else: self.gdalDataset = gdal.Open(self.filename) self.updateAccess = update except RuntimeError: if update: # wanted to make updateable, but failed # retry as read-only try: self.gdalDataset = gdal.Open(self.filename) self.updateAccess = False except RuntimeError: msg = "Can't open dataset readonly" raise IOError(msg) # attributes handle will be stale... if len(self.stretch.bands) == 1: gdalband = self.gdalDataset.GetRasterBand(self.stretch.bands[0]) self.attributes.readFromGDALBand(gdalband, self.gdalDataset) # successfully reopened readonly msg = 'Unable to change mode of dataset' raise viewererrors.InvalidDataset(msg) else: # wanted to open readonly, but that failed # file can't exist any more # app needs to exit since we don't have a dataset self.gdalDataset = None msg = "Can't open dataset readonly" raise IOError(msg) # attributes handle will be stale... if len(self.stretch.bands) == 1: gdalband = self.gdalDataset.GetRasterBand(self.stretch.bands[0]) self.attributes.readFromGDALBand(gdalband, self.gdalDataset)
[docs] def writeRATColumnOrder(self): """ calls self.attributes.writeColumnOrderToGDAL. Assumes file upen in update mode - raises exception otherwise """ if not self.updateAccess: msg = 'file needs to be open in update mode' raise viewererrors.InvalidDataset(msg) self.attributes.writeColumnOrderToGDAL(self.gdalDataset)
[docs] def getImage(self): """ Refresh the 'image' which is a QImage instance used for rendering. Does the selection of overview, choosing of area (based on coordmgr) reading, and applying LUT. """ # find the best overview based on imgpixperwinpix imgpix = self.coordmgr.imgPixPerWinPix selectedovi = self.overviews.findBestOverview(imgpix) # print(selectedovi.index) # if this layer isn't anywhere near where we currently are # don't even bother reading - just create a empty QImage # and nothing will be rendered if self.coordmgr.pixTop < 0 and self.coordmgr.pixBottom < 0: self.image = QImage() return elif self.coordmgr.pixLeft < 0 and self.coordmgr.pixRight < 0: self.image = QImage() return elif (self.coordmgr.pixLeft > self.gdalDataset.RasterXSize and self.coordmgr.pixRight > self.gdalDataset.RasterXSize): self.image = QImage() return elif (self.coordmgr.pixTop > self.gdalDataset.RasterYSize and self.coordmgr.pixBottom > self.gdalDataset.RasterYSize): self.image = QImage() return fullrespixperovpix = selectedovi.fullrespixperpix pixTop = max(self.coordmgr.pixTop, 0) pixLeft = max(self.coordmgr.pixLeft, 0) pixBottom = min(self.coordmgr.pixBottom, self.gdalDataset.RasterYSize) pixRight = min(self.coordmgr.pixRight, self.gdalDataset.RasterXSize) ovtop = int(pixTop / fullrespixperovpix) ovleft = int(pixLeft / fullrespixperovpix) ovbottom = int(numpy.ceil(pixBottom / fullrespixperovpix)) ovright = int(numpy.ceil(pixRight / fullrespixperovpix)) ovtop = max(ovtop, 0) ovleft = max(ovleft, 0) ovbottom = min(ovbottom, selectedovi.ysize) ovright = min(ovright, selectedovi.xsize) ovxsize = ovright - ovleft ovysize = ovbottom - ovtop # The display coordinates of the top-left corner of the raster data. # Often this # is (0, 0), but need not be if there is blank area left/above the # raster data (dspRastLeft, dspRastTop) = self.coordmgr.pixel2displayF( pixLeft, pixTop) (dspRastRight, dspRastBottom) = self.coordmgr.pixel2displayF( pixRight, pixBottom) dspRastLeft = int(numpy.round(dspRastLeft)) dspRastTop = int(numpy.round(dspRastTop)) dspRastRight = int(numpy.round(dspRastRight)) dspRastBottom = int(numpy.round(dspRastBottom)) dspRastXSize = dspRastRight - dspRastLeft dspRastYSize = dspRastBottom - dspRastTop if self.coordmgr.imgPixPerWinPix < 1: # need to calc 'extra' around the edge as we have partial pixels # GDAL reads in full pixels (dspRastAbsLeft, dspRastAbsTop) = self.coordmgr.pixel2display( numpy.floor(pixLeft), numpy.floor(pixTop)) (dspRastAbsRight, dspRastAbsBottom) = ( self.coordmgr.pixel2display( numpy.ceil(pixRight), numpy.ceil(pixBottom))) dspLeftExtra = ((dspRastLeft - dspRastAbsLeft) / fullrespixperovpix) dspTopExtra = ((dspRastTop - dspRastAbsTop) / fullrespixperovpix) dspRightExtra = ((dspRastAbsRight - dspRastRight) / fullrespixperovpix) dspBottomExtra = ((dspRastAbsBottom - dspRastBottom) / fullrespixperovpix) # be aware rounding errors dspRightExtra = max(dspRightExtra, 0) dspBottomExtra = max(dspBottomExtra, 0) # only need to do the mask once mask = numpy.empty((self.coordmgr.dspHeight, self.coordmgr.dspWidth), dtype=numpy.uint8) mask.fill(viewerLUT.MASK_BACKGROUND_VALUE) # set to background dataslice = (slice(dspRastTop, dspRastTop + dspRastYSize), slice(dspRastLeft, dspRastLeft + dspRastXSize)) mask[dataslice] = viewerLUT.MASK_IMAGE_VALUE # 0 where there is data nodata_mask = None if len(self.stretch.bands) == 3: # rgb datalist = [] for bandnum in self.stretch.bands: band = self.gdalDataset.GetRasterBand(bandnum) # create blank array of right size to read in to. This data # array represents the window pixels, one-for-one numpytype = gdal_array.GDALTypeCodeToNumericTypeCode(band.DataType) shape = (self.coordmgr.dspHeight, self.coordmgr.dspWidth) data = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=numpytype) # get correct overview if selectedovi.index > 0: band = band.GetOverview(selectedovi.index - 1) # read into correct part of our window array if self.coordmgr.imgPixPerWinPix >= 1.0: dataTmp = band.ReadAsArray(ovleft, ovtop, ovxsize, ovysize, dspRastXSize, dspRastYSize) data[dataslice] = dataTmp else: dataTmp = band.ReadAsArray(ovleft, ovtop, ovxsize, ovysize) data[dataslice] = replicateArray(dataTmp, data[dataslice], dspLeftExtra, dspTopExtra, dspRightExtra, dspBottomExtra) # do the no data test nodata_value = self.noDataValues[bandnum - 1] if nodata_value is not None: inimage_and_nodata = numpy.logical_and( mask == viewerLUT.MASK_IMAGE_VALUE, data == nodata_value) if nodata_mask is None: nodata_mask = inimage_and_nodata else: # should it be 'or' or 'and' ? nodata_mask = numpy.logical_and(nodata_mask, inimage_and_nodata) datalist.append(data) # apply the no data if nodata_mask is not None: mask = numpy.where(nodata_mask, viewerLUT.MASK_NODATA_VALUE, mask) # apply LUT self.image = self.lut.applyLUTRGB(datalist, mask) else: # must be single band band = self.gdalDataset.GetRasterBand(self.stretch.bands[0]) # create blank array of right size to read in to numpytype = gdal_array.GDALTypeCodeToNumericTypeCode(band.DataType) shape = (self.coordmgr.dspHeight, self.coordmgr.dspWidth) data = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=numpytype) # get correct overview if selectedovi.index > 0: band = band.GetOverview(selectedovi.index - 1) # read into correct part of our window array if self.coordmgr.imgPixPerWinPix >= 1.0: data[dataslice] = band.ReadAsArray(ovleft, ovtop, ovxsize, ovysize, dspRastXSize, dspRastYSize) else: dataTmp = band.ReadAsArray(ovleft, ovtop, ovxsize, ovysize) data[dataslice] = replicateArray(dataTmp, data[dataslice], dspLeftExtra, dspTopExtra, dspRightExtra, dspBottomExtra) # do we have no data for this band? nodata_value = self.noDataValues[self.stretch.bands[0] - 1] if nodata_value is not None: inimage_and_nodata = numpy.logical_and( mask == viewerLUT.MASK_IMAGE_VALUE, data == nodata_value) mask = numpy.where(inimage_and_nodata, viewerLUT.MASK_NODATA_VALUE, mask) # apply LUT self.image = self.lut.applyLUTSingle(data, mask)
[docs] def getPropertiesInfo(self): """ Get the properties of the file as a PropertyInfo for presentation to user. Do something similar to gdalinfo. """ info = PropertyInfo() info.setSR( driver = self.gdalDataset.GetDriver() driverString = "%s/%s" % (driver.ShortName, driver.LongName) info.addFileInfo('Driver:', driverString) fileList = self.gdalDataset.GetFileList() if fileList is not None: fileString = " ".join(fileList) else: fileString = 'none associated' info.addFileInfo('Files:', fileString) info.addFileInfo('Number of Bands:', '%d' % self.gdalDataset.RasterCount) if len(self.overviews.overviews) > 1: overviewString = "Present" else: overviewString = "Absent" info.addFileInfo('Overviews:', overviewString) sizeString = '%d, %d' % (self.gdalDataset.RasterXSize, self.gdalDataset.RasterYSize) info.addFileInfo('Size:', sizeString) pixelSizeString = '%f, %f' % (self.transform[1], self.transform[5]) info.addFileInfo('Pixel Size:', pixelSizeString) (ulx, uly) = self.coordmgr.pixel2world(0, 0) info.addFileInfo('Upper Left', '%f, %f' % (ulx, uly)) (llx, lly) = self.coordmgr.pixel2world(0, self.gdalDataset.RasterYSize) info.addFileInfo('Lower Left', '%f, %f' % (llx, lly)) (urx, ury) = self.coordmgr.pixel2world(self.gdalDataset.RasterXSize, 0) info.addFileInfo('Upper Right', '%f, %f' % (urx, ury)) (lrx, lry) = self.coordmgr.pixel2world(self.gdalDataset.RasterXSize, self.gdalDataset.RasterYSize) info.addFileInfo('Lower Right', '%f, %f' % (lrx, lry)) (cx, cy) = self.coordmgr.pixel2world( self.gdalDataset.RasterXSize / 2.0, self.gdalDataset.RasterYSize / 2.0) info.addFileInfo('Center', '%f, %f' % (cx, cy)) for nband in range(self.gdalDataset.RasterCount): bandInfo = [] band = self.gdalDataset.GetRasterBand(nband + 1) metadata = band.GetMetadata() if 'LAYER_TYPE' in metadata: layerType = metadata['LAYER_TYPE'] else: layerType = NOTSET_STRING bandInfo.append(('Layer Type:', layerType)) nodata = band.GetNoDataValue() if nodata is None: nodataString = NOTSET_STRING else: nodataString = '%f' % nodata bandInfo.append(('No Data Value:', nodataString)) clrinterp = band.GetColorInterpretation() if clrinterp is not None and clrinterp in COLOR_INTERP_STR: clrinterpString = COLOR_INTERP_STR[clrinterp] else: clrinterpString = 'Unknown' bandInfo.append(('Color Intepretation:', clrinterpString)) if 'STATISTICS_MAXIMUM' in metadata: statsMax = metadata['STATISTICS_MAXIMUM'] else: statsMax = NOTSET_STRING bandInfo.append(('Maximum:', statsMax)) if 'STATISTICS_MEAN' in metadata: statsMean = metadata['STATISTICS_MEAN'] else: statsMean = NOTSET_STRING bandInfo.append(('Mean', statsMean)) if 'STATISTICS_MEDIAN' in metadata: statsMedian = metadata['STATISTICS_MEDIAN'] else: statsMedian = NOTSET_STRING bandInfo.append(('Median', statsMedian)) if 'STATISTICS_MINIMUM' in metadata: statsMin = metadata['STATISTICS_MINIMUM'] else: statsMin = NOTSET_STRING bandInfo.append(('Minimum', statsMin)) if 'STATISTICS_MODE' in metadata: statsMode = metadata['STATISTICS_MODE'] else: statsMode = NOTSET_STRING bandInfo.append(('Mode:', statsMode)) if 'STATISTICS_STDDEV' in metadata: statsStd = metadata['STATISTICS_STDDEV'] else: statsStd = NOTSET_STRING bandInfo.append(('Standard Deviation:', statsStd)) if ('STATISTICS_SKIPFACTORX' in metadata and 'STATISTICS_SKIPFACTORY' in metadata): skipX = metadata['STATISTICS_SKIPFACTORX'] skipY = metadata['STATISTICS_SKIPFACTORY'] statsSkip = '%s, %s' % (skipX, skipY) else: statsSkip = NOTSET_STRING bandInfo.append(('Skip Factor:', statsSkip)) dataTypeName = gdal.GetDataTypeName(band.DataType) bandInfo.append(('Data Type:', dataTypeName)) bandName = self.bandNames[nband] info.addBandInfo(bandName, bandInfo) # check the histo info - from RAT if available histoIdx = None rat = band.GetDefaultRAT() if rat is not None: for col in range(rat.GetColumnCount()): if rat.GetUsageOfCol(col) == gdal.GFU_PixelCount: histoIdx = col break if ('STATISTICS_HISTOMIN' in metadata and 'STATISTICS_HISTOMAX' in metadata and (histoIdx is not None or 'STATISTICS_HISTOBINVALUES' in metadata)): histMin = float(metadata['STATISTICS_HISTOMIN']) histMax = float(metadata['STATISTICS_HISTOMAX']) if histoIdx is not None: histData = rat.ReadAsArray(histoIdx) else: histDataString = metadata['STATISTICS_HISTOBINVALUES'] histData = [float(x) for x in histDataString.split('|') if x != ''] histData = numpy.array(histData) info.addHistogramInfo(bandName, (histMin, histMax, histData)) return info
QUERY_CURSOR_HALFSIZE = 8 # number of pixels QUERY_CURSOR_WIDTH = 1 # in pixels # types of cursor CURSOR_CROSS = 0 CURSOR_CROSSHAIR = 1
[docs]class ViewerQueryPointLayer(ViewerLayer): """ Class for display of query points. """ def __init__(self): ViewerLayer.__init__(self) self.coordmgr = coordinatemgr.VectorCoordManager() self.queryPoints = {} self.image = None
[docs] def setQueryPoint(self, senderid, easting, northing, color, size=None, cursor=None): """ Add/replace a query point based on the id() of the requesting object """ if size is None: size = QUERY_CURSOR_HALFSIZE if cursor is None: cursor = CURSOR_CROSS self.queryPoints[senderid] = (easting, northing, color, size, cursor)
[docs] def removeQueryPoint(self, senderid): """ remove a query point based on the id() of the requesting object """ if senderid in self.queryPoints: del self.queryPoints[senderid]
[docs] def getImage(self): """ Update self.image """ if self.coordmgr.dspWidth is None: self.image = QImage() else: self.image = QImage(self.coordmgr.dspWidth, self.coordmgr.dspHeight, QImage.Format_ARGB32) self.image.fill(0) pen = QPen() pen.setWidth(QUERY_CURSOR_WIDTH) paint = QPainter(self.image) for senderid in self.queryPoints: (easting, northing, color, size, cursor) = ( self.queryPoints[senderid]) display = self.coordmgr.world2display(easting, northing) if display is not None: (dspX, dspY) = display dspX = int(dspX) dspY = int(dspY) pen.setColor(color) paint.setPen(pen) if cursor == CURSOR_CROSS: paint.drawLine(dspX - size, dspY, dspX + size, dspY) paint.drawLine(dspX, dspY - size, dspX, dspY + size) else: # CURSOR_CROSSHAIR paint.drawLine(dspX - size, dspY, dspX - 2, dspY) paint.drawLine(dspX + 2, dspY, dspX + size, dspY) paint.drawLine(dspX, dspY - size, dspX, dspY - 2) paint.drawLine(dspX, dspY + 2, dspX, dspY + size) paint.drawArc(dspX - size, dspY - size, size * 2, size * 2, 0, 16 * 360) paint.end()
DEFAULT_VECTOR_COLOR = (255, 255, 0, 255)
[docs]class ViewerVectorLayer(ViewerLayer): """ A vector layer. Uses vectorrasterizer to burn in the outlines """ def __init__(self): ViewerLayer.__init__(self) self.ogrDataSource = None self.ogrLayer = None # must have both dataset and lyr for ref counts self.coordmgr = coordinatemgr.VectorCoordManager() # we use a mini LUT to convert the 1's and zeros to colours # we leave the first index blank to it is black/invisible # vector is index 1 and labels are index 2 self.lut = numpy.zeros((3, 4), numpy.uint8) self.image = None self.filename = None self.origSQL = None # if query, not layer name (isResultSet = True) self.sql = None self.linewidth = 1 self.isResultSet = False self.bFill = False self.halfCrossSize = vectorrasterizer.HALF_CROSS_SIZE self.fieldToLabel = None def __del__(self): # unfortunately this isn't called when the viewer # is closed and there are still layers existing... # but is when the user removes the layer # perhaps we can do something better here if (self.isResultSet and self.ogrDataSource is not None and self.ogrLayer is not None): self.ogrDataSource.ReleaseResultSet(self.ogrLayer)
[docs] def toFile(self, fileobj): "write information to re-create layer as JSON" dict = {'type': 'vector'} fileobj.write(json.dumps(dict) + '\n') dict = {'filename': self.filename, 'displayed': self.displayed, 'quiet': self.quiet, 'filterSQL': self.sql, 'linewidth': self.linewidth, 'fill': self.bFill, 'fieldToLabel': self.fieldToLabel} # the values out of getColorAsRGBATuple are numpy.uint8's # which confuses json. Convert to ints dict['color'] = [int(x) for x in self.getColorAsRGBATuple()] dict['labelColor'] = self.labelColor if self.isResultSet: dict['origSQL'] = self.origSQL else: dict['layerName'] = self.ogrLayer.GetName() fileobj.write(json.dumps(dict) + '\n')
[docs] def fromFile(self, fileobj, width, height): """ Initialise this instance of the class with information from json in fileobj """ line = fileobj.readline() dict = json.loads(line) filename = dict['filename'] self.quiet = dict['quiet'] self.displayed = dict['displayed'] ds = ogr.Open(filename) if 'origSQL' in dict: # result of a query origSQL = dict['origSQL'] lyr = ds.ExecuteSQL(origSQL) isResultSet = True else: # a normal layer lyr = ds.GetLayerByName(dict['layerName']) origSQL = None isResultSet = False colour = dict['color'], lyr, width, height, color=colour, resultSet=isResultSet, origSQL=origSQL) sql = dict['filterSQL'] if sql is not None: self.setSQL(sql) # cope with these not being in the file (added more recently) if 'fill' in dict: self.bFill = dict['fill'] if 'fieldToLabel' in dict: self.fieldToLabel = dict['fieldToLabel'] if 'labelColor' in dict: self.labelColor = dict['labelColor'] self.setLineWidth(dict['linewidth'])
[docs] def setSQL(self, sql=None): "sets the sql attribute filter" self.sql = sql
[docs] def getSQL(self): "returns the SQL used for this layer" return self.sql
[docs] def hasSQL(self): "returns True if there is an attribute filter in place" return self.sql is not None
[docs] def setFill(self, bFill): "Sets if the polygons are filled or not" self.bFill = bFill
[docs] def getFill(self): "returns True if polygons are being filled" return self.bFill
[docs] def setLineWidth(self, linewidth): "sets the line width" self.linewidth = linewidth
[docs] def getLineWidth(self): "gets the current line width" return self.linewidth
[docs] def setHalfCrossSize(self, halfCrossSize): "set the half cross size (used for points)" self.halfCrossSize = halfCrossSize
[docs] def getHalfCrossSize(self): "get the half cross size (used for points)" return self.halfCrossSize
[docs] def setFieldToLabel(self, field): "set the field to label (None disables)" self.fieldToLabel = field
[docs] def getFieldToLabel(self): "get the field that is being used to label" return self.fieldToLabel
[docs] def getColorAsRGBATuple(self): "Returns the current color as a tuple" rgba = [] for code in viewerLUT.RGBA_CODES: lutindex = viewerLUT.CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] value = self.lut[1, lutindex] rgba.append(value) return tuple(rgba)
[docs] def setColor(self, color): """ Sets up the LUT to use the specified color """ for value, code in zip(color, viewerLUT.RGBA_CODES): lutindex = viewerLUT.CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] self.lut[1, lutindex] = value
[docs] def setLabelColor(self, color): """ Sets the labels as the specified colour (tuple) """ for value, code in zip(color, viewerLUT.RGBA_CODES): lutindex = viewerLUT.CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] self.lut[2, lutindex] = value
[docs] def getLabelColorAsRGBATuple(self): "Returns the current label color as a tuple" rgba = [] for code in viewerLUT.RGBA_CODES: lutindex = viewerLUT.CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] value = self.lut[2, lutindex] rgba.append(value) return tuple(rgba)
[docs] def open(self, ogrDataSource, ogrLayer, width, height, extent=None, color=DEFAULT_VECTOR_COLOR, resultSet=False, origSQL=None, label=None): """ Use the supplied datasource and layer for accessing vector data keeps a reference to the datasource and layer If resultSet is True then ogrDataSource.ReleaseResultSet is called on destruction. If resultSet is True then origSQL should be passed so layer can be recreated if saved as json """ self.filename = ogrDataSource.GetName() self.title = os.path.basename(self.filename) self.ogrDataSource = ogrDataSource self.ogrLayer = ogrLayer self.setColor(color) self.setLabelColor(color) self.isResultSet = resultSet self.origSQL = origSQL self.fieldToLabel = label self.coordmgr.setDisplaySize(width, height) bbox = ogrLayer.GetExtent() fullExtent = (bbox[0], bbox[3], bbox[1], bbox[2]) self.coordmgr.setFullWorldExtent(fullExtent) if extent is None: # if not given, get full extent of layer extent = fullExtent self.coordmgr.setWorldExtent(extent)
[docs] def updateColor(self, color): """ Like setColor, but also updates the stored self.image to be in the new color """ self.setColor(color) if self.image is not None: data = self.image.viewerdata bgra = self.lut[data] (ysize, xsize) = data.shape self.image = QImage(, xsize, ysize, QImage.Format_ARGB32) self.image.viewerdata = data
[docs] def updateLabelColor(self, color): """ Like setLabelColor, but also re-labels in the new color """ self.setLabelColor(color) if self.image is not None: data = self.image.viewerdata bgra = self.lut[data] (ysize, xsize) = data.shape self.image = QImage(, xsize, ysize, QImage.Format_ARGB32) self.image.viewerdata = data
[docs] def getAvailableAttributes(self): """ Returns a list of available attributes """ result = [] if self.ogrLayer is not None: defn = self.ogrLayer.GetLayerDefn() count = defn.GetFieldCount() for n in range(count): fieldDefn = defn.GetFieldDefn(n) result.append(fieldDefn.GetName()) return result
[docs] def getImage(self): """ Updates self.image with the outlines of the vector in the current color """ extent = self.coordmgr.getWorldExtent() (xsize, ysize) = (self.coordmgr.dspWidth, self.coordmgr.dspHeight) # rasterizeOutlines burns in 1 for outline, 0 otherwise data = vectorrasterizer.rasterizeLayer(self.ogrLayer, extent, xsize, ysize, self.linewidth, self.sql, self.bFill, self.fieldToLabel, self.halfCrossSize) # do our lookup bgra = self.lut[data] self.image = QImage(, xsize, ysize, QImage.Format_ARGB32) self.image.viewerdata = data
[docs] def getAttributesAtPoint(self, easting, northing, tolerance=0): """ Returns a list of attributes for the point centred on (easting, northing). If tolerance is specified a box will will be drawn centred at (easting, northing) and size tolerance. Each item in the list contains a dictionary keyed on the attribute name and the value will be the attribute value as a string. """ # set the spatial filter halftolerance = tolerance / 2 self.ogrLayer.SetSpatialFilterRect(easting - halftolerance, northing + halftolerance, easting + halftolerance, northing - halftolerance) # get the field names feat_defn = self.ogrLayer.GetLayerDefn() fieldNames = [] for field_idx in range(feat_defn.GetFieldCount()): field_defn = feat_defn.GetFieldDefn(field_idx) field_name = field_defn.GetName() fieldNames.append(field_name) # read through results = [] self.ogrLayer.ResetReading() feat = self.ogrLayer.GetNextFeature() while feat is not None: thisresult = {} field_idx = 0 for field_name in fieldNames: field_value = feat.GetFieldAsString(field_idx) thisresult[field_name] = field_value field_idx += 1 results.append(thisresult) feat = self.ogrLayer.GetNextFeature() # reset self.ogrLayer.SetSpatialFilter(None) return results
[docs] def getPropertiesInfo(self): "Return the properties as a PropertyInfo we can show the user" from osgeo import ogr info = PropertyInfo() sr = self.ogrLayer.GetSpatialRef() info.setSR(sr) driverString = self.ogrDataSource.GetDriver().GetName() info.addFileInfo('Driver:', driverString) info.addFileInfo('Files:', self.filename) layerInfo = [] geomTypes = {ogr.wkbUnknown: 'Unknown', ogr.wkbPoint: 'Point', ogr.wkbLineString: 'Line String', ogr.wkbPolygon: 'Polygon', ogr.wkbMultiPoint: 'Multi Point', ogr.wkbMultiLineString: 'Multi Line String', ogr.wkbMultiPolygon: 'Polygon', ogr.wkbGeometryCollection: 'Geometry Collection'} geomCode = self.ogrLayer.GetGeomType() geomType = geomTypes[geomCode] layerInfo.append(('Layer Type:', geomType)) layerName = self.ogrLayer.GetName() info.addBandInfo(layerName, layerInfo) return info
[docs]class ViewerFeatureVectorLayer(ViewerVectorLayer): """ A vector Feature layer. Same as ViewerVectorLayer but works with a single feature provided by the driving program. """ def __init__(self): ViewerVectorLayer.__init__(self) self.ogrFeature = None
[docs] def setFeature(self, ogrFeature): "Update feature to draw" self.ogrFeature = ogrFeature
[docs] def toFile(self, fileobj): """ This doesn't make sense since the ogrDataSource etc is owned by the driving program so we can't recreate it """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def open(self, ogrDataSource, ogrLayer, ogrFeature, width, height, extent=None, color=DEFAULT_VECTOR_COLOR): "Set Data source, plus first feature to rasterize", ogrDataSource, ogrLayer, width, height, extent, color) self.ogrFeature = ogrFeature
[docs] def getImage(self): """ Updates self.image with the outlines of the vector feature in the current color """ extent = self.coordmgr.getWorldExtent() (xsize, ysize) = (self.coordmgr.dspWidth, self.coordmgr.dspHeight) # rasterizeOutlinesFeature burns in 1 for outline, 0 otherwise data = vectorrasterizer.rasterizeFeature(self.ogrFeature, extent, xsize, ysize, self.linewidth, self.bFill, self.halfCrossSize) # do our lookup bgra = self.lut[data] self.image = QImage(, xsize, ysize, QImage.Format_ARGB32) self.image.viewerdata = data
[docs] def setSQL(self, sql=None): "unlike the base class we don't support SQL" msg = "ViewerFeatureVectorLayer doesn't support SQL" raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs] def getSQL(self): "unlike the base class we don't support SQL" msg = "ViewerFeatureVectorLayer doesn't support SQL" raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs] def hasSQL(self): msg = "ViewerFeatureVectorLayer doesn't support SQL" raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs]class LayerManager(QObject): """ Class that manages a list of layers """ # signals # use object rather than ViewerLayer for topLayerChanged # so we can pass None topLayerChanged = pyqtSignal(object, name='topLayerChanged') "signal emitted when top layer changed" layersChanged = pyqtSignal(name='layersChanged') "signal emitted when layers have changed" newProgressSig = pyqtSignal('QString', name='newProgress') "signal emitted when a new progress bar is needed" endProgressSig = pyqtSignal(name='endProgress') "signal emitted when progress is finished" newPercentSig = pyqtSignal(int, name='newPercent') "signal emitted when a new progress percent is reached" statusMessageSig = pyqtSignal('QString', name='statusMessage') "signal emitted with a new status message needs to be shown to the user" def __init__(self): QObject.__init__(self) self.layers = [] self.fullextent = None self.queryPointLayer = ViewerQueryPointLayer() self.topLayer = None if NUM_GETIMAGE_THREADS > 1: # thread of the jobs self.queue = queue.Queue() # start the threads for i in range(NUM_GETIMAGE_THREADS): t = threading.Thread(target=_callGetImage, args=(self.queue, )) t.daemon = True # so program exits even when threads running t.start() else: self.queue = None
[docs] def updateTopFilename(self): """ Call this when the top displayed layer may have changed and the correct signal will be emitted """ newTopLayer = None for layer in self.layers: if layer.displayed and not layer.quiet: newTopLayer = layer # don't break since we want the last layer # - top one is displayed if newTopLayer is not self.topLayer: self.topLayer = newTopLayer self.topLayerChanged.emit(self.topLayer)
[docs] def getFullExtent(self): """ Return the full extent for all the open layers """ return self.fullextent
[docs] def recalcFullExtent(self): """ Internal method. Recalculates the full extent of all the layers. Called when dataset added or removed. """ self.fullextent = None for layer in self.layers: extent = layer.coordmgr.getFullWorldExtent() if extent is not None: if self.fullextent is None: self.fullextent = extent else: (left, top, right, bottom) = self.fullextent (newleft, newtop, newright, newbottom) = extent if newleft < left: left = newleft if newtop > top: top = newtop if newright > right: right = newright if newbottom < bottom: bottom = newbottom self.fullextent = (left, top, right, bottom)
[docs] def setDisplaySize(self, width, height): """ When window resized this updates all the layers """ for layer in self.layers: layer.coordmgr.setDisplaySize(width, height) layer.coordmgr.recalcBottomRight() self.queryPointLayer.coordmgr.setDisplaySize(width, height) self.updateImages()
[docs] @staticmethod def isSameRasterProjection(layer1, layer2): """ Checks to see if 2 raster layers have the same projection """ proj1 = layer1.gdalDataset.GetProjection() proj2 = layer2.gdalDataset.GetProjection() sr1 = osr.SpatialReference(proj1) sr2 = osr.SpatialReference(proj2) return bool(sr1.IsSame(sr2))
[docs] def addRasterLayer(self, gdalDataset, width, height, stretch, lut=None, ignoreProjectionMismatch=False, quiet=False): """ Add a new raster layer with given display width and height, stretch and optional lut. """ # create and open layer = ViewerRasterLayer(self) layer.quiet = quiet, width, height, stretch, lut) if len(self.layers) > 0: # get the existing extent extent = self.layers[-1].coordmgr.getWorldExtent() layer.coordmgr.setWorldExtent(extent) # if there is an existing raster layer, check we have an equivalent # projection. Perhaps we should do similar if there is a vector layer. # Not sure. existinglayer = self.getTopRasterLayer() if existinglayer is not None: if (not ignoreProjectionMismatch and not self.isSameRasterProjection(layer, existinglayer)): raise viewererrors.ProjectionMismatch('projections do not match') # ensure the query points have the correct extent extent = layer.coordmgr.getWorldExtent() self.queryPointLayer.coordmgr.setWorldExtent(extent) if not layer.overviews.overviewsPresentInFile(): self.statusMessageSig.emit( "No overviews found, performance will be slow") self.addLayer(layer)
[docs] def addVectorLayer(self, ogrDataSource, ogrLayer, width, height, color=DEFAULT_VECTOR_COLOR, resultSet=False, origSQL=None, label=None, quiet=False): """ Add a vector layer. See for more info on params """ # copy the current extent, if available extent = None topLayer = self.getTopLayer() if topLayer is not None: extent = topLayer.coordmgr.getWorldExtent() layer = ViewerVectorLayer() layer.quiet = quiet, ogrLayer, width, height, extent, color, resultSet, origSQL, label) self.addLayer(layer)
[docs] def addVectorFeatureLayer(self, ogrDataSource, ogrLayer, ogrFeature, width, height, color=DEFAULT_VECTOR_COLOR, quiet=False): """ Add a vector feature layer """ extent = None topLayer = self.getTopLayer() if topLayer is not None: extent = topLayer.coordmgr.getWorldExtent() layer = ViewerFeatureVectorLayer() layer.quiet = quiet, ogrLayer, ogrFeature, width, height, extent, color) self.addLayer(layer)
[docs] def addLayer(self, layer): """ Add the given layer """ layer.getImage() self.layers.append(layer) self.recalcFullExtent() self.layersChanged.emit() self.updateTopFilename()
[docs] def removeTopLayer(self): """ Removes the top layer """ if len(self.layers) > 0: self.layers.pop() self.recalcFullExtent() self.layersChanged.emit() self.updateTopFilename()
[docs] def removeLayer(self, layer): """ Remove the specified layer """ self.layers.remove(layer) self.recalcFullExtent() self.layersChanged.emit() self.updateTopFilename()
[docs] def moveLayerUp(self, layer): """ Move the specified layer 'up' - ie render it later which is actually down the list """ index = self.layers.index(layer) if index < len(self.layers) - 1: self.layers.pop(index) self.layers.insert(index + 1, layer) self.layersChanged.emit() self.updateTopFilename()
[docs] def moveLayerDown(self, layer): """ Move the specified layer 'down' - ie render it later which is actually up the list """ index = self.layers.index(layer) if index > 0: self.layers.pop(index) self.layers.insert(index - 1, layer) self.layersChanged.emit() self.updateTopFilename()
[docs] def moveLayerToTop(self, layer): """ Move layer to the end of the list so it is rendererd last. """ index = self.layers.index(layer) if index < len(self.layers) - 1: self.layers.pop(index) self.layers.append(layer) self.layersChanged.emit() self.updateTopFilename()
[docs] def setDisplayedState(self, layer, state): """ Sets the displayed state for a layer use this rather than setting layer.displayed directly as title bar will be updated this way """ layer.displayed = state self.updateTopFilename() self.layersChanged.emit()
[docs] def timeseriesForward(self): """ Assume images are a stacked timeseries oldest to newest. Turn off the current topmost displayed """ for layer in reversed(self.layers): if layer.displayed: self.setDisplayedState(layer, False) break # now do a check to see if we need to 'reset' # are we all turned off? needReset = True for lyr in self.layers: if lyr.displayed: needReset = False break # then turn on again if needReset: for lyr in self.layers: lyr.displayed = True self.updateTopFilename() # layers have changed whatever above self.layersChanged.emit()
[docs] def timeseriesBackward(self): """ Assume images are a stacked timeseries oldest to newest. Turn on the previous one to the current topmost displayed """ allOn = True for layer in self.layers: if not layer.displayed: allOn = False break if allOn and len(self.layers) > 0: # special case - reset to just top on for lyr in self.layers: lyr.displayed = False # display the top one again self.setDisplayedState(self.layers[0], True) else: prevLayer = None for layer in reversed(self.layers): if layer.displayed: break prevLayer = layer if prevLayer is not None: self.setDisplayedState(prevLayer, True)
[docs] def getTopLayer(self): "Returns the very top layer which may be raster or vector" layer = None if len(self.layers) > 0: layer = self.layers[-1] return layer
[docs] def getTopRasterLayer(self): """ Returns the top most raster layer (if there is one) otherwise None """ rasterLayer = None for layer in reversed(self.layers): if isinstance(layer, ViewerRasterLayer): rasterLayer = layer break return rasterLayer
[docs] def getTopDisplayedRasterLayer(self): """ Returns the top most raster layer (if there is one) otherwise None """ rasterLayer = None for layer in reversed(self.layers): if isinstance(layer, ViewerRasterLayer) and layer.displayed: rasterLayer = layer break return rasterLayer
[docs] def setStretchAllLayers(self, stretch, local=False): """ Sets the stretch for all layers contained by the LayerManager. """ for layer in self.layers: if isinstance(layer, ViewerRasterLayer): layer.setNewStretch(local=local, newstretch=stretch)
[docs] def getTopVectorLayer(self): """ Returns the top most vector layer (if there is one) otherwise None """ vectorLayer = None for layer in reversed(self.layers): if isinstance(layer, ViewerVectorLayer): vectorLayer = layer break return vectorLayer
[docs] def getTopDisplayedVectorLayer(self): """ Returns the top most vector layer (if there is one) otherwise None """ vectorLayer = None for layer in reversed(self.layers): if isinstance(layer, ViewerVectorLayer) and layer.displayed: vectorLayer = layer break return vectorLayer
[docs] def updateImages(self): """ Tell each of the layers to get a new 'image' for rendering. This is called when extents have changed etc. """ if NUM_GETIMAGE_THREADS <= 1: # do it the old single thread way for layer in self.layers: layer.getImage() else: # put all the layer getImage requests in the Queue for layer in self.layers: self.queue.put(layer) self.queue.join() # block until all tasks are completed self.queryPointLayer.getImage()
[docs] def makeLayersConsistent(self, reflayer): """ Make all layers spatially consistent with reflayer """ extent = reflayer.coordmgr.getWorldExtent() for layer in self.layers: if reflayer is not layer: layer.coordmgr.setWorldExtent(extent) self.queryPointLayer.coordmgr.setWorldExtent(extent)
[docs] def zoomNativeResolution(self): """ Zoom to the native resolution of the top raster later """ layer = self.getTopRasterLayer() if layer is not None: # take care to preserve the center (wldX, wldY) = layer.coordmgr.getWorldCenter() layer.coordmgr.setZoomFactor(1.0) layer.coordmgr.setWorldCenter(wldX, wldY) self.makeLayersConsistent(layer) self.updateImages()
[docs] def zoomFullExtent(self): """ Zoom to the full extent of all the layers This might need a re-think for vectors. """ layer = self.getTopRasterLayer() if layer is not None and self.fullextent is not None: layer.coordmgr.setWorldExtent(self.fullextent) self.makeLayersConsistent(layer) self.updateImages()
[docs] def toFile(self, fileobj): """ Save all the layers and info needed to re-create them to the fileobj as JSON. """ for layer in self.layers: try: layer.toFile(fileobj) except NotImplementedError: # ignore for now pass
[docs] def fromFile(self, fileobj, nlayers, width, height): """ Tries to read the json out of fileobj and reconstruct all the layers """ for n in range(nlayers): line = fileobj.readline() dict = json.loads(line) # find the type of the layer ltype = dict['type'] if ltype == 'raster': layer = ViewerRasterLayer(self) layer.fromFile(fileobj, width, height) if len(self.layers) > 0: # get the existing extent extent = self.layers[-1].coordmgr.getWorldExtent() layer.coordmgr.setWorldExtent(extent) # don't do projection check, but maybe should? # ensure the query points have the correct extent extent = layer.coordmgr.getWorldExtent() self.queryPointLayer.coordmgr.setWorldExtent(extent) layer.getImage() self.layers.append(layer) self.recalcFullExtent() elif ltype == 'vector': layer = ViewerVectorLayer() layer.fromFile(fileobj, width, height) layer.getImage() self.layers.append(layer) self.recalcFullExtent() else: raise ValueError('unsupported layer type') self.layersChanged.emit() self.updateTopFilename()
# the following functions are needed as this class # acts as a 'proxy' between the RAT and LUT's inside # the individual layers and anything wanting to listen # to the progress (the window in this case)
[docs] def newProgress(self, string): """ Called when we are about to start a new progress """ self.newProgressSig.emit(string)
[docs] def endProgress(self): """ Called when a progress run has finished """ self.endProgressSig.emit()
[docs] def newPercent(self, percent): """ New progress value """ self.newPercentSig.emit(percent)
[docs]def replicateArray(arr, outarr, dspLeftExtra, dspTopExtra, dspRightExtra, dspBottomExtra): """ Replicate the data in the given 2-d array so that it increases in size to be (ysize, xsize). Replicates each pixel in both directions. dspLeftExtra, dspTopExtra are the number of pixels to be shaved off the top and left. dspRightExtra, dspBottomExtra are the number of pixels to be shaved off the bottom and right of the result. This allows us to display fractional pixels. """ (ysize, xsize) = outarr.shape (nrows, ncols) = arr.shape if nrows == 0 or ncols == 0: # avoid divide by zero return numpy.zeros_like(outarr) nRptsX = float(xsize + dspLeftExtra + dspRightExtra) / float(ncols) nRptsY = float(ysize + dspTopExtra + dspBottomExtra) / float(nrows) rowCount = int(numpy.ceil(nrows * nRptsY)) colCount = int(numpy.ceil(ncols * nRptsX)) # create the lookup table (up to nrows/ncols-1) # using the complex number stuff in numpy.mgrid # doesn't work too well since you end up with unevenly # spaced divisions... row, col = numpy.mgrid[dspTopExtra:rowCount - dspBottomExtra, dspLeftExtra:colCount - dspRightExtra] # try to be a little frugal with memory numpy.multiply(row, nrows / float(rowCount), out=row, casting='unsafe') numpy.multiply(col, ncols / float(colCount), out=col, casting='unsafe') # need to index with ints row = row.astype(numpy.int32) col = col.astype(numpy.int32) # do the lookup outarr = arr[row, col] # chop out the extra pixels (if any) outarr = outarr[0:ysize, 0:xsize] return outarr