Source code for tuiview.viewerLUT

Module that contains the ViewerLUT class
amongst other things
# This file is part of 'TuiView' - a simple Raster viewer
# Copyright (C) 2012  Sam Gillingham
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

import sys
import numpy
import json
from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage
from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSignal
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox
from osgeo import gdal
from . import viewererrors
from . import viewerstretch
from .viewerstrings import MESSAGE_TITLE


# are we big endian or not?
BIG_ENDIAN = sys.byteorder == 'big'

DEFAULT_LUTSIZE = 256  # if not 8bit

# Qt expects the colours in BGRA order packed into
# a 32bit int. We do this by inserting stuff into
# a 8 bit numpy array, but this is endian specific
    CODE_TO_LUTINDEX = {'blue': 3, 'green': 2, 'red': 1, 'alpha': 0}
    CODE_TO_LUTINDEX = {'blue': 0, 'green': 1, 'red': 2, 'alpha': 3}

# for indexing into RGB triplets
CODE_TO_RGBINDEX = {'red': 0, 'green': 1, 'blue': 2, 'alpha': 3}

# to save creating this tuple all the time
RGB_CODES = ('red', 'green', 'blue')
RGBA_CODES = ('red', 'green', 'blue', 'alpha')

# for the apply functions

# metadata

# number of 'extra' lut entries required.
# currently for background, no data and NaN

[docs]def GDALProgressFunc(value, string, lutobject): """ Callback function called by GDAL when calculating stats or histogram. """ percent = int(value * 100) lutobject.newPercent.emit(percent)
[docs]class BandLUTInfo(object): """ Class that holds information about a band's LUT """ def __init__(self, scale, offset, lutsize, minval, maxval, nodata_index=0, background_index=0, nan_index=0): self.scale = scale self.offset = offset self.lutsize = lutsize self.min = minval self.max = maxval # indices into the LUT self.nodata_index = nodata_index self.background_index = background_index self.nan_index = nan_index
[docs] def toString(self): "Converts to a JSON string" rep = {'scale': self.scale, 'offset': self.offset, 'lutsize': self.lutsize, 'min': self.min, 'max': self.max, 'nodata_index': self.nodata_index, 'background_index': self.background_index, 'nan_index': self.nan_index} return json.dumps(rep)
[docs] @staticmethod def fromString(string): "Returns an instance of this class from a JSON string" rep = json.loads(string) bi = BandLUTInfo(rep['scale'], rep['offset'], rep['lutsize'], rep['min'], rep['max'], rep['nodata_index'], rep['background_index']) if 'nan_index' in rep: bi.nan_index = rep['nan_index'] return bi
[docs]class ViewerLUT(QObject): """ Class that handles the Lookup Table used for transformation between raw data and stretched data """ # signals newProgress = pyqtSignal('QString', name='newProgress') "emitted when a new progress bar is needed" newPercent = pyqtSignal(int, name='newPercent') "emitted when a new percent value is available" endProgress = pyqtSignal(name='endProgress') "emitted when progress finished" def __init__(self): QObject.__init__(self) # so we can emit signal # array shape [lutsize,4] for color table and greyscale # shape [4, lutsize] for RGB self.lut = None # 'backup' lut. Used for holding the original for highlight etc self.backuplut = None # surrogateLookupArray - if not None used to lookup image values # in surrogateLUT self.surrogateLookupArray = None self.surrogateLookupArrayName = None # the name gets saved to the file # surrogateLUT - if not None used to lookup image values # specified by surrogateLookupArray self.surrogateLUT = None self.surrogateLUTName = None # name of column gets saved to file # a single BandLUTInfo instance for single band # dictionary keyed on code for RGB self.bandinfo = None
[docs] def highlightRows(self, color, selectionArray=None): """ Highlights the specified where selectionArray == True Saves the existing LUT in self.backuplut if not already Assumes selectionArray is the same length as the LUT """ if self.lut is None: raise viewererrors.InvalidColorTable('stretch not loaded yet') if self.lut.shape[1] != 4: msg = 'Can only highlight thematic data' raise viewererrors.InvalidColorTable(msg) if self.backuplut is None: # first time this has been done - save copy self.backuplut = self.lut.copy() else: # this has happened before. # restore the old one so no rows highlighted # then highlight the ones we want self.lut = self.backuplut.copy() if selectionArray is not None: # make selectionArray the same size by adding space for # no data and ignore+nan # (which aren't used here) # also cope with RATs smaller than 256 needToAdd = self.lut.shape[0] - selectionArray.shape[0] selectionArray = numpy.append(selectionArray, numpy.zeros((needToAdd,), dtype=bool)) entry = [,,, color.alpha()] for (value, code) in zip(entry, RGBA_CODES): lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] self.lut[..., lutindex] = ( numpy.where(selectionArray, value, self.lut[..., lutindex]))
[docs] def setColorTableLookup(self, lookupArray, colName, surrogateLUT, surrogateName): """ Uses lookupArray to index into surrogateLUT where values != 0. Pass None to reset. Need to pass colName and surrogateName so we can save as part of LUT """ if self.lut is None: raise viewererrors.InvalidColorTable('stretch not loaded yet') if self.lut.shape[1] != 4: msg = 'Can only lookup thematic data' raise viewererrors.InvalidColorTable(msg) if lookupArray is not None: if numpy.issubdtype(lookupArray.dtype, numpy.floating): # round to int lookupArray = lookupArray.round().astype(numpy.integer) self.surrogateLookupArray = lookupArray self.surrogateLookupArrayName = colName if lookupArray is not None and surrogateLUT is not None: # assume they want to keep surrogateLUT otherwise self.surrogateLUT = surrogateLUT self.surrogateLUTName = surrogateName
[docs] def saveToFile(self, fileobj): """ Save current stretch to a text file so it can be stored and manipulated """ if self.lut.shape[1] == 4: rep = {'nbands': 1} fileobj.write('%s\n' % json.dumps(rep)) # color table - just one bandinfo - write it out bi = self.bandinfo fileobj.write('%s\n' % bi.toString()) for code in RGBA_CODES: lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] lut = self.lut[..., lutindex] rep = {'code': code, 'data': lut.tolist()} fileobj.write('%s\n' % json.dumps(rep)) else: # rgb rep = {'nbands': 3} fileobj.write('%s\n' % json.dumps(rep)) for code in RGB_CODES: lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] bi = self.bandinfo[code] fileobj.write('%s\n' % bi.toString()) lut = self.lut[lutindex] rep = {'code': code, 'data': lut.tolist()} fileobj.write('%s\n' % json.dumps(rep))
[docs] def writeToGDAL(self, gdaldataset): """ Writes the LUT and BandInfo into the given dataset assumed the dataset opened with GA_Update Good idea to reopen any other handles to dataset to the file as part of this call """ if self.lut.shape[1] == 4: # single band - NB writing into band metadata results in corruption # use dataset instead string = self.bandinfo.toString() gdaldataset.SetMetadataItem(VIEWER_BANDINFO_METADATA_KEY, string) # have to deal with the lut being in memory in an # endian specific format for code in RGBA_CODES: lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] string = json.dumps(self.lut[..., lutindex].tolist()) key = VIEWER_LUT_METADATA_KEY + '_' + code gdaldataset.SetMetadataItem(key, string) # surrogate only applicable for single band if (self.surrogateLookupArrayName is not None and self.surrogateLUTName is not None): surrogateInfo = {'colname': self.surrogateLookupArrayName, 'tablename': self.surrogateLUTName} string = json.dumps(surrogateInfo) gdaldataset.SetMetadataItem(VIEWER_LUT_SURROGATE_KEY, string) else: # rgb - NB writing into band metadata results in corruption # use dataset instead for code in RGB_CODES: string = self.bandinfo[code].toString() key = VIEWER_BANDINFO_METADATA_KEY + '_' + code gdaldataset.SetMetadataItem(key, string) lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] string = json.dumps(self.lut[lutindex].tolist()) key = VIEWER_LUT_METADATA_KEY + '_' + code gdaldataset.SetMetadataItem(key, string) # do alpha seperately as there is no bandinfo code = 'alpha' lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] string = json.dumps(self.lut[lutindex].tolist()) key = VIEWER_LUT_METADATA_KEY + '_' + code gdaldataset.SetMetadataItem(key, string)
[docs] @staticmethod def deleteFromGDAL(gdaldataset): """ Remove all LUT entries from this dataset assumed the dataset opened with GA_Update """ # can't seem to delete an item so set to empty string # we test for this explicity below meta = gdaldataset.GetMetadata() if VIEWER_BANDINFO_METADATA_KEY in meta: gdaldataset.SetMetadataItem(VIEWER_BANDINFO_METADATA_KEY, '') for code in RGBA_CODES: key = VIEWER_BANDINFO_METADATA_KEY + '_' + code if key in meta: gdaldataset.SetMetadataItem(key, '') key = VIEWER_LUT_METADATA_KEY + '_' + code if key in meta: gdaldataset.SetMetadataItem(key, '')
[docs] @staticmethod def createFromFile(fileobj, stretch): """ Read a text file created by saveToFile and create an instance of this class """ lutobj = ViewerLUT() s = fileobj.readline() rep = json.loads(s) nbands = rep['nbands'] if nbands == 1: # color table s = fileobj.readline() bi = BandLUTInfo.fromString(s) lutobj.bandinfo = bi lutobj.lut = numpy.empty((bi.lutsize + VIEWER_LUT_EXTRA, 4), numpy.uint8, 'C') for n in range(len(RGBA_CODES)): s = fileobj.readline() rep = json.loads(s) code = rep['code'] lut = numpy.fromiter(rep['data'], numpy.uint8) lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] lutobj.lut[..., lutindex] = lut else: # rgb lutobj.bandinfo = {} for n in range(len(RGB_CODES)): s = fileobj.readline() bi = BandLUTInfo.fromString(s) s = fileobj.readline() rep = json.loads(s) code = rep['code'] lutobj.bandinfo[code] = bi lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] if lutobj.lut is None: lutobj.lut = ( numpy.empty((4, bi.lutsize + VIEWER_LUT_EXTRA), numpy.uint8, 'C')) lut = numpy.fromiter(rep['data'], numpy.uint8) lutobj.lut[lutindex] = lut # now do alpha seperately - 255 for all except # no data and background # (this isn't stored in the file) alphaindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX['alpha'] lutobj.lut[alphaindex].fill(255) rgbindex = CODE_TO_RGBINDEX['alpha'] bandinfo = lutobj.bandinfo['red'] # just to get the index for nan, nodata etc nodata_value = stretch.nodata_rgba[rgbindex] background_value = stretch.background_rgba[rgbindex] nan_value = stretch.nan_rgba[rgbindex] lutobj.lut[alphaindex, bandinfo.nodata_index] = nodata_value lutobj.lut[alphaindex, bandinfo.background_index] = background_value lutobj.lut[alphaindex, bandinfo.nan_index] = nan_value return lutobj
[docs] @staticmethod def createFromGDAL(gdaldataset, stretch): """ Creates a ViewerLUT object from the metadata saved to a GDAL dataset. stretch needed to find what type of stretch. """ obj = None if len(stretch.bands) == 1: # single band bistring = gdaldataset.GetMetadataItem(VIEWER_BANDINFO_METADATA_KEY) if bistring is not None and bistring != '': lutstrings = [] for code in RGBA_CODES: lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] key = VIEWER_LUT_METADATA_KEY + '_' + code lutstring = gdaldataset.GetMetadataItem(key) if lutstring is not None and lutstring != '': lutstrings.append(lutstring) if len(lutstrings) == 4: # ok we got all the data obj = ViewerLUT() obj.bandinfo = BandLUTInfo.fromString(bistring) size = obj.bandinfo.lutsize + VIEWER_LUT_EXTRA obj.lut = numpy.empty((size, 4), numpy.uint8, 'C') for (lutstring, code) in zip(lutstrings, RGBA_CODES): lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] lut = numpy.fromiter(json.loads(lutstring), numpy.uint8) obj.lut[..., lutindex] = lut # only applicable for single band surrogateString = ( gdaldataset.GetMetadataItem(VIEWER_LUT_SURROGATE_KEY)) if (obj is not None and surrogateString is not None and surrogateString != ''): from .viewerRAT import ViewerRAT surrogateInfo = json.loads(surrogateString) name = surrogateInfo['colname'] gdalband = gdaldataset.GetRasterBand(stretch.bands[0]) rat = gdalband.GetDefaultRAT() if rat is not None: colArray = ViewerRAT.readColumnName(rat, name) if colArray is not None: obj.surrogateLookupArray = colArray obj.surrogateLookupArrayName = name # show error? # read that color table in obj.surrogateLUTName = surrogateInfo['tablename'] tables = ViewerLUT.readSurrogateColorTables(gdaldataset) if (obj.surrogateLUTName in tables and obj.surrogateLookupArray is not None): obj.surrogateLUT = tables[obj.surrogateLUTName] else: obj.surrogateLUTName = None # show error? else: # rgb infos = [] for code in RGB_CODES: key = VIEWER_BANDINFO_METADATA_KEY + '_' + code bistring = gdaldataset.GetMetadataItem(key) if bistring is not None and bistring != '': key = VIEWER_LUT_METADATA_KEY + '_' + code lutstring = gdaldataset.GetMetadataItem(key) if lutstring is not None and lutstring != '': infos.append((bistring, lutstring)) # do alpha separately as there is no band info code = 'alpha' key = VIEWER_LUT_METADATA_KEY + '_' + code alphalutstring = gdaldataset.GetMetadataItem(key) if (len(infos) == 3 and alphalutstring is not None and alphalutstring != ''): # ok we got all the data obj = ViewerLUT() obj.bandinfo = {} for (info, code) in zip(infos, RGB_CODES): lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] (bistring, lutstring) = info obj.bandinfo[code] = BandLUTInfo.fromString(bistring) if obj.lut is None: size = obj.bandinfo[code].lutsize + VIEWER_LUT_EXTRA obj.lut = numpy.empty((4, size), numpy.uint8, 'C') lut = numpy.fromiter(json.loads(lutstring), numpy.uint8) obj.lut[lutindex] = lut # now alpha code = 'alpha' lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] lut = numpy.fromiter(json.loads(alphalutstring), numpy.uint8) obj.lut[lutindex] = lut return obj
[docs] @staticmethod def readSurrogateColorTables(gdaldataset): """ Read the surrogate color tables stored in the file's metadata into a dictionary keyed on the name. """ surrogatetables = {} surrogatestring = gdaldataset.GetMetadataItem(VIEWER_SURROGATE_CT_KEY) if surrogatestring is not None and surrogatestring != '': jsondict = json.loads(surrogatestring) # go through each named table for name in jsondict: rgbadict = jsondict[name] alllut = None # each rgba for code in rgbadict: lutstring = rgbadict[code] lut = numpy.fromiter(json.loads(lutstring), numpy.uint8) if alllut is None: # first one - all should be same size alllut = numpy.empty((lut.size, 4), numpy.uint8, 'C') lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] alllut[..., lutindex] = lut surrogatetables[name] = alllut return surrogatetables
[docs] @staticmethod def writeSurrogateColorTables(gdaldataset, tables): """ Write a dictionary of surrogate color tables to the file's metadata. """ # need to convert everything to json combatibale format jsondict = {} for name in tables: rgbadict = {} alllut = tables[name] for code in RGBA_CODES: lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] jsonlutstring = alllut[..., lutindex].tolist() lutstring = json.dumps(jsonlutstring) rgbadict[code] = lutstring jsondict[name] = rgbadict jsonstring = json.dumps(jsondict) gdaldataset.SetMetadataItem(VIEWER_SURROGATE_CT_KEY, jsonstring)
[docs] def loadColorTable(self, rat, nodata_rgba, background_rgba, nan_rgba): """ Creates a LUT for a single band using the RAT """ if rat.hasColorTable: # read in the colour table as lut ctcount = rat.getNumRows() # LUT is shape [lutsize,4] so we can index from a single # band and get the brga (native order) # add for no data and background/nan lut = numpy.empty((ctcount + VIEWER_LUT_EXTRA, 4), numpy.uint8, 'C') # copy in from RAT names = rat.getColumnNames() self.newProgress.emit("Reading Colors...") redCol = rat.getEntireAttribute(names[rat.redColumnIdx]) self.newPercent.emit(25) greenCol = rat.getEntireAttribute(names[rat.greenColumnIdx]) self.newPercent.emit(50) blueCol = rat.getEntireAttribute(names[rat.blueColumnIdx]) self.newPercent.emit(75) alphaCol = rat.getEntireAttribute(names[rat.alphaColumnIdx]) self.endProgress.emit() cols = [redCol, greenCol, blueCol, alphaCol] for (col, code) in zip(cols, RGBA_CODES): lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] lut[:-3, lutindex] = col # fill in the background and no data nodata_index = ctcount background_index = ctcount + 1 nan_index = ctcount + 2 data = zip(nodata_rgba, background_rgba, nan_rgba, RGBA_CODES) for (nodatavalue, backgroundvalue, nanvalue, code) in data: lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] lut[nodata_index, lutindex] = nodatavalue lut[background_index, lutindex] = backgroundvalue lut[nan_index, lutindex] = nanvalue else: msg = 'No color table present or file not thematic' raise viewererrors.InvalidColorTable(msg) bandinfo = BandLUTInfo(1.0, 0.0, ctcount, 0, ctcount - 1, nodata_index, background_index) return lut, bandinfo
[docs] def createStretchLUT(self, gdalband, stretch, lutsize, localdata=None): """ Creates a LUT for a single band using the stretch method specified and returns it. If localdata is not None then it should be an array to calculate the stats from (ignore values should be already removed) Otherwise these will be calculated from the whole image using GDAL if needed. """ if stretch.stretchmode == viewerstretch.VIEWER_STRETCHMODE_NONE: # just a linear stretch between 0 and 255 # for the range of possible values lut = numpy.linspace(0, 255, num=lutsize).astype(numpy.uint8) bandinfo = BandLUTInfo(1.0, 0.0, lutsize, 0, lutsize) return lut, bandinfo # other methods below require statistics minVal, maxVal, mean, stdDev = ( self.getStatisticsWithProgress(gdalband, localdata)) # code below sets stretchMin and stretchMax if stretch.stretchmode == viewerstretch.VIEWER_STRETCHMODE_LINEAR: # stretch between reported min and max if they # have given us None as the range, otherwise use # the specified range (reqMin, reqMax) = stretch.stretchparam if reqMin is None: stretchMin = minVal else: stretchMin = reqMin if reqMax is None: stretchMax = maxVal else: stretchMax = reqMax elif stretch.stretchmode == viewerstretch.VIEWER_STRETCHMODE_STDDEV: # linear stretch n std deviations from the mean nstddev = stretch.stretchparam[0] stretchMin = mean - (nstddev * stdDev) if stretchMin < minVal: stretchMin = minVal stretchMax = mean + (nstddev * stdDev) if stretchMax > maxVal: stretchMax = maxVal elif stretch.stretchmode == viewerstretch.VIEWER_STRETCHMODE_HIST: histo = ( self.getHistogramWithProgress(gdalband, minVal, maxVal, localdata)) sumPxl = sum(histo) histmin, histmax = stretch.stretchparam numBins = len(histo) bandLower = sumPxl * histmin bandUpper = sumPxl * histmax # calc min and max from histo # find bin number that bandLower/Upper fall into # maybe we can do better with numpy? stretchMin = minVal stretchMax = maxVal sumVals = 0 for i in range(numBins): sumVals = sumVals + histo[i] if sumVals > bandLower: stretchMin = minVal + ((maxVal - minVal) * (i / numBins)) break sumVals = 0 for i in range(numBins): sumVals = sumVals + histo[-i] if sumVals > bandUpper: stretchMax = maxVal + ( (maxVal - minVal) * ((numBins - i - 1) / numBins)) break else: msg = 'unsupported stretch mode' raise viewererrors.InvalidParameters(msg) if stretch.attributeTableSize is None: # default behaviour - a LUT for the range of the data lut = numpy.linspace(0, 255, num=lutsize).astype(numpy.uint8) if stretchMin == stretchMax: # hack for invalid data stretchMax = stretchMin + 1 # make it lutsize-1 so we keep the indices less than lutsize scale = float(stretchMax - stretchMin) / (lutsize - 1) offset = -stretchMin else: # custom LUT size - have an attribute table we must match lut = numpy.empty(lutsize, numpy.uint8) # assume ints - we just create ramp 0-255 in data range stretchMin = int(stretchMin) stretchMax = int(numpy.ceil(stretchMax)) if stretchMin == stretchMax: # hack for invalid data stretchMax = stretchMin + 1 stretchRange = stretchMax - stretchMin try: lut[stretchMin:stretchMax] = numpy.linspace(0, 255, num=stretchRange) except ValueError: # make more useful error message msg = "Length of Attribute Table doesn't match range of data" raise ValueError(msg) # 0 and 255 outside this range lut[0:stretchMin] = 0 lut[stretchMax:] = 255 # this must be true scale = 1 offset = 0 bandinfo = BandLUTInfo(scale, offset, lutsize, stretchMin, stretchMax) return lut, bandinfo
[docs] def getStatisticsWithProgress(self, gdalband, localdata=None): """ Helper method. Just quickly returns the stats if they are easily available from GDAL. Calculates them using the supplied progress if not. If localdata is not None, statistics are calulated using the data in this numpy array. """ if localdata is None: # calculate stats for whole image gdal.ErrorReset() # allow approxstats stats = gdalband.GetStatistics(1, 0) if stats == [0, 0, 0, -1] or gdal.GetLastErrorNo() != gdal.CE_None: # need to actually calculate them gdal.ErrorReset() self.newProgress.emit("Calculating Statistics...") # TODO: find a way of ignoring NaNs # When calculating stats on the fly, use approxstats (much faster) # A workaround for broken progress support in GDAL 2.2.0 # see if gdal.__version__ == '2.2.0': stats = gdalband.ComputeStatistics(True) else: stats = gdalband.ComputeStatistics(True, GDALProgressFunc, self) self.endProgress.emit() if (stats == [0, 0, 0, -1] or gdal.GetLastErrorNo() != gdal.CE_None): msg = 'unable to calculate statistics' raise viewererrors.StatisticsError(msg) else: # local - using numpy - make sure float not 1-d array for json # ignore NANs minval = float(numpy.nanmin(localdata)) maxval = float(numpy.nanmax(localdata)) mean = float(numpy.nanmean(localdata)) stddev = float(numpy.nanstd(localdata)) stats = [minval, maxval, mean, stddev] # inf and NaNs really stuff things up # must be a better way, but GDAL doesn't seem to have # an option to ignore NaNs and numpy still returns Infs. # Make some numbers up. if not numpy.isfinite(stats[0]): stats[0] = 0.0 if not numpy.isfinite(stats[1]): stats[1] = 10.0 if not numpy.isfinite(stats[2]): stats[2] = 5.0 if not numpy.isfinite(stats[3]): stats[3] = 1.0 return stats
[docs] def getHistogramWithProgress(self, gdalband, minVal, maxVal, localdata=None): """ Helper method. Calculates histogram using GDAL. If localdata is not None, histogram calulated using the data in this numpy array. """ numBins = int(numpy.ceil(maxVal - minVal)) if numBins < 1: # float data? numBins = 255 if localdata is None: # global stats - first check if there is a histo saved # needs to share the same min and max that we have calculated histo = None # careful with comparisons since they are saved as # strings in the file histomin = gdalband.GetMetadataItem('STATISTICS_HISTOMIN') histomax = gdalband.GetMetadataItem('STATISTICS_HISTOMAX') # attempt to read out of the RAT histoIdx = None histostr = None rat = gdalband.GetDefaultRAT() if rat is not None: for col in range(rat.GetColumnCount()): if rat.GetUsageOfCol(col) == gdal.GFU_PixelCount: histoIdx = col break else: # drop back to metadata histostr = gdalband.GetMetadataItem('STATISTICS_HISTOBINVALUES') if (histomin is not None and histomax is not None and (histoIdx is not None or histostr is not None)): # try and convert to float try: histomin = float(histomin) histomax = float(histomax) if histomin == minVal and histomax == maxVal: if histoIdx is not None: histo = rat.ReadAsArray(histoIdx) else: # drop back to metadata histolist = histostr.split('|') # sometimes there seems to be a trailing '|' if histolist[-1] == '': histolist.pop() histo = [int(x) for x in histolist] except ValueError: pass if histo is None: # no suitable histo - call GDAL and do progress self.newProgress.emit("Calculating Histogram...") histo = gdalband.GetHistogram(min=minVal, max=maxVal, buckets=numBins, include_out_of_range=0, approx_ok=0, callback=GDALProgressFunc, callback_data=self) self.endProgress.emit() else: # local stats - use numpy on localdata histo, bins = numpy.histogram(localdata, numBins) return histo
[docs] def createLUT(self, dataset, stretch, rat, image=None): """ Main function. dataset is a GDAL dataset to use. stetch is a ViewerStretch instance that describes the stretch. rat is an instance of ViewerRAT - for reading color table if image is not None it should be a QImage returned by the apply functions and a local stretch will be calculated using this. """ # clobber the backup lut - any hightlights happen afresh self.backuplut = None if (stretch.mode == viewerstretch.VIEWER_MODE_DEFAULT or stretch.stretchmode == viewerstretch.VIEWER_STRETCHMODE_DEFAULT): msg = 'must set mode and stretchmode' raise viewererrors.InvalidStretch(msg) if image is not None: # if we are doing a local stretch do some masking first flatmask = image.viewermask.flatten() == MASK_IMAGE_VALUE if isinstance(image.viewerdata, list): # rgb - create data for 3 bands localdatalist = [] for localdata in image.viewerdata: flatdata = localdata.flatten() data = flatdata.compress(flatmask) localdatalist.append(data) else: # single band flatdata = image.viewerdata.flatten() localdata = flatdata.compress(flatmask) else: # global stretch localdata = None localdatalist = (None, None, None) # are we loading the LUT from an external file instead? try: if stretch.readLUTFromText is not None: # first line describes the stretch - ignore fileobj = open(stretch.readLUTFromText) fileobj.readline() lut = self.createFromFile(fileobj, stretch) fileobj.close() if lut is None: msg = 'No stretch and lookup table in this file' raise viewererrors.InvalidDataset(msg) self.lut = lut.lut self.bandinfo = lut.bandinfo return elif stretch.readLUTFromGDAL is not None: gdaldataset = gdal.Open(stretch.readLUTFromGDAL) lut = self.createFromGDAL(gdaldataset, stretch) del gdaldataset if lut is None: msg = 'No stretch and lookup table in this file' raise viewererrors.InvalidDataset(msg) self.lut = lut.lut self.bandinfo = lut.bandinfo return except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(None, MESSAGE_TITLE, str(e)) return # decide what to do based on the code if stretch.mode == viewerstretch.VIEWER_MODE_COLORTABLE: if len(stretch.bands) > 1: msg = 'specify one band when opening a color table image' raise viewererrors.InvalidParameters(msg) if stretch.stretchmode != viewerstretch.VIEWER_STRETCHMODE_NONE: msg = 'stretchmode should be set to none for color tables' raise viewererrors.InvalidParameters(msg) band = stretch.bands[0] gdalband = dataset.GetRasterBand(band) # load the color table self.lut, self.bandinfo = self.loadColorTable(rat, stretch.nodata_rgba, stretch.background_rgba, stretch.nan_rgba) elif stretch.mode == viewerstretch.VIEWER_MODE_GREYSCALE: if len(stretch.bands) > 1: msg = 'specify one band when opening a greyscale image' raise viewererrors.InvalidParameters(msg) band = stretch.bands[0] gdalband = dataset.GetRasterBand(band) if gdalband.DataType == gdal.GDT_Byte: lutsize = 256 elif stretch.attributeTableSize is not None: # override if there is an attribute table lutsize = stretch.attributeTableSize else: lutsize = DEFAULT_LUTSIZE # LUT is shape [lutsize,4] so we can index from a single # band and get the brga (native order) # plus 2 for no data and background self.lut = numpy.empty((lutsize + VIEWER_LUT_EXTRA, 4), numpy.uint8, 'C') lut, self.bandinfo = self.createStretchLUT(gdalband, stretch, lutsize, localdata) # make space for nodata and background + nan lut = numpy.append(lut, [0, 0, 0]) self.bandinfo.nodata_index = lutsize self.bandinfo.background_index = lutsize + 1 self.bandinfo.nan_index = lutsize + 2 # copy to all bands for code in RGB_CODES: lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] # append the nodata and background while we are at it rgbindex = CODE_TO_RGBINDEX[code] nodata_value = stretch.nodata_rgba[rgbindex] background_value = stretch.background_rgba[rgbindex] nan_value = stretch.nan_rgba[rgbindex] lut[self.bandinfo.nodata_index] = nodata_value lut[self.bandinfo.background_index] = background_value lut[self.bandinfo.nan_index] = nan_value self.lut[..., lutindex] = lut # now do alpha seperately - 255 for all except # no data and background lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX['alpha'] self.lut[..., lutindex].fill(255) rgbindex = CODE_TO_RGBINDEX['alpha'] nodata_value = stretch.nodata_rgba[rgbindex] background_value = stretch.background_rgba[rgbindex] self.lut[self.bandinfo.nodata_index, lutindex] = nodata_value self.lut[self.bandinfo.background_index, lutindex] = ( background_value) elif stretch.mode == viewerstretch.VIEWER_MODE_PSEUDOCOLOR: from . import pseudocolor # make sure we have any other ramps loaded pseudocolor.loadExtraRamps() if len(stretch.bands) > 1: msg = 'specify one band when opening a pseudocolor image' raise viewererrors.InvalidParameters(msg) band = stretch.bands[0] gdalband = dataset.GetRasterBand(band) if gdalband.DataType == gdal.GDT_Byte: lutsize = 256 elif stretch.attributeTableSize is not None: # override if there is an attribute table lutsize = stretch.attributeTableSize else: lutsize = DEFAULT_LUTSIZE # LUT is shape [lutsize,4] so we can index from a single # band and get the brga (native order) # plus 2 for no data and background self.lut = numpy.empty((lutsize + VIEWER_LUT_EXTRA, 4), numpy.uint8, 'C') # we get the LUT from createStretchLUT but we are really # only interested in the bandinfo that records the stretchmin, max lut, self.bandinfo = self.createStretchLUT(gdalband, stretch, lutsize, localdata) # we will make space for thses self.bandinfo.nodata_index = lutsize self.bandinfo.background_index = lutsize + 1 self.bandinfo.nan_index = lutsize + 2 # now obtain for each band and copy for code in RGB_CODES: lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] lut = pseudocolor.getLUTForRamp(code, stretch.rampName, lutsize) # make space for nodata and background+nan lut = numpy.append(lut, [0, 0, 0]) # append the nodata and background while we are at it rgbindex = CODE_TO_RGBINDEX[code] nodata_value = stretch.nodata_rgba[rgbindex] background_value = stretch.background_rgba[rgbindex] nan_value = stretch.nan_rgba[rgbindex] lut[self.bandinfo.nodata_index] = nodata_value lut[self.bandinfo.background_index] = background_value lut[self.bandinfo.nan_index] = nan_value self.lut[..., lutindex] = lut # now do alpha seperately - 255 for all except # no data and background lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX['alpha'] self.lut[..., lutindex].fill(255) rgbindex = CODE_TO_RGBINDEX['alpha'] nodata_value = stretch.nodata_rgba[rgbindex] background_value = stretch.background_rgba[rgbindex] nan_value = stretch.nan_rgba[rgbindex] self.lut[self.bandinfo.nodata_index, lutindex] = nodata_value self.lut[self.bandinfo.background_index, lutindex] = ( background_value) self.lut[self.bandinfo.nan_index, lutindex] = nan_value elif stretch.mode == viewerstretch.VIEWER_MODE_RGB: if len(stretch.bands) != 3: msg = 'must specify 3 bands when opening rgb' raise viewererrors.InvalidParameters(msg) self.bandinfo = {} self.lut = None # user supplies RGB zipdata = zip(stretch.bands, RGB_CODES, localdatalist) for (band, code, localdata) in zipdata: gdalband = dataset.GetRasterBand(band) if gdalband.DataType == gdal.GDT_Byte: lutsize = 256 else: lutsize = DEFAULT_LUTSIZE if self.lut is None: # LUT is shape [4,lutsize]. We apply the stretch seperately # to each band. Order is RGBA # (native order to make things easier) # plus 2 for no data and background self.lut = numpy.empty((4, lutsize + VIEWER_LUT_EXTRA), numpy.uint8, 'C') lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] # create stretch for each band lut, bandinfo = self.createStretchLUT(gdalband, stretch, lutsize, localdata) # append the nodata and background+nan while we are at it rgbindex = CODE_TO_RGBINDEX[code] nodata_value = stretch.nodata_rgba[rgbindex] background_value = stretch.background_rgba[rgbindex] nan_value = stretch.nan_rgba[rgbindex] lut = numpy.append(lut, [nodata_value, background_value, nan_value]) bandinfo.nodata_index = lutsize bandinfo.background_index = lutsize + 1 bandinfo.nan_index = lutsize + 2 self.bandinfo[code] = bandinfo self.lut[lutindex] = lut # now do alpha seperately - 255 for all except # no data and background lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX['alpha'] self.lut[lutindex].fill(255) rgbindex = CODE_TO_RGBINDEX['alpha'] nodata_value = stretch.nodata_rgba[rgbindex] background_value = stretch.background_rgba[rgbindex] nan_value = stretch.nan_rgba[rgbindex] # just use blue since alpha has no bandinfo and # they should all be the same anyway nodata_index = self.bandinfo['blue'].nodata_index background_index = self.bandinfo['blue'].background_index nan_index = self.bandinfo['blue'].nan_index self.lut[lutindex, nodata_index] = nodata_value self.lut[lutindex, background_index] = background_value self.lut[lutindex, nan_index] = nan_value else: msg = 'unsupported display mode' raise viewererrors.InvalidParameters(msg)
[docs] def applyLUTSingle(self, data, mask): """ Apply the LUT to a single band (color table or greyscale image) and return the result as a QImage """ # hang on the 'old' data so we can save that back to the image olddata = data # work out where the NaN's are if float if numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.floating): nanmask = numpy.isnan(data) else: nanmask = None # convert to float for maths below data = data.astype(numpy.floating) # in case data outside range of stretch numpy.clip(data, self.bandinfo.min, self.bandinfo.max, out=data) # apply scaling numpy.add(data, self.bandinfo.offset, out=data) numpy.divide(data, self.bandinfo.scale, out=data) # can only do lookups with integer data data = data.astype(numpy.integer) if nanmask is not None: # set NaN values back to LUT=nan if originally float data[nanmask] = self.bandinfo.nan_index # mask no data and background data[mask == MASK_NODATA_VALUE] = self.bandinfo.nodata_index data[mask == MASK_BACKGROUND_VALUE] = self.bandinfo.background_index # do the lookup bgra = self.lut[data] winysize, winxsize = data.shape if (self.surrogateLookupArray is not None and self.surrogateLUT is not None): # clip the data to the range surrogatedata = olddata.clip(0, self.surrogateLookupArray.size - 1) # do the lookup lookup = self.surrogateLookupArray[surrogatedata] lookup = lookup.clip(0, self.surrogateLUT.shape[0] - 1) # create the bgra for the surrogate surrogatebgra = self.surrogateLUT[lookup] # only apply when != and not no data, background etc surrogatemask = ((lookup != 0) & (mask != MASK_NODATA_VALUE) & (mask != MASK_BACKGROUND_VALUE)) # mask sure mask has same number of axis surrogatemask = numpy.expand_dims(surrogatemask, axis=2) # swap where needed - can't do direct mask index as different shape bgra = numpy.where(surrogatemask, surrogatebgra, bgra) # create QImage from numpy array # see # # TODO there is a note in the docs saying Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied # is faster. Not sure what this means image = QImage(, winxsize, winysize, QImage.Format_ARGB32) image.viewerdata = olddata # hold on to the data in case we # want to change the lut and quickly re-apply it # or calculate local stats image.viewermask = mask return image
[docs] def applyLUTRGB(self, datalist, mask): """ Apply LUT to 3 bands of imagery passed as a list of arrays. Return a QImage """ winysize, winxsize = datalist[0].shape # create blank array to stretch into bgra = numpy.empty((winysize, winxsize, 4), numpy.uint8, 'C') for (data, code) in zip(datalist, RGB_CODES): lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] bandinfo = self.bandinfo[code] # work out where the NaN's are if float if numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.floating): nanmask = numpy.isnan(data) else: nanmask = None # convert to float for maths below data = data.astype(numpy.floating) # in case data outside range of stretch numpy.clip(data, bandinfo.min, bandinfo.max, out=data) # apply scaling in place numpy.add(data, bandinfo.offset, out=data) numpy.divide(data, bandinfo.scale, out=data) # can only do lookups with integer data data = data.astype(numpy.integer) # set NaN values back to LUT=nandata if data originally float if nanmask is not None: data[nanmask] = bandinfo.nan_index # mask no data and background data[mask == MASK_NODATA_VALUE] = bandinfo.nodata_index data[mask == MASK_BACKGROUND_VALUE] = bandinfo.background_index # do the lookup bgra[..., lutindex] = self.lut[lutindex][data] # now alpha - all 255 apart from nodata and background lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX['alpha'] # just use blue since alpha has no bandinfo and # they should all be the same anyway nodata_index = self.bandinfo['blue'].nodata_index background_index = self.bandinfo['blue'].background_index nan_index = self.bandinfo['blue'].nan_index nodata_value = self.lut[lutindex, nodata_index] background_value = self.lut[lutindex, background_index] nan_value = self.lut[lutindex, nan_index] # create the alpha array (do separately so we not always doing strides) alpha = numpy.empty((winysize, winxsize), numpy.uint8) alpha.fill(255) alpha[mask == MASK_NODATA_VALUE] = nodata_value if nanmask is not None: alpha[nanmask] = nan_value alpha[mask == MASK_BACKGROUND_VALUE] = background_value bgra[..., lutindex] = alpha # turn into QImage # TODO there is a note in the docs saying Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied # is faster. Not sure what this means image = QImage(, winxsize, winysize, QImage.Format_ARGB32) image.viewerdata = datalist # so we have the data if we want to calculate stats etc image.viewermask = mask return image
[docs]def saveQImageAsGDAL(img, layer, fname, driver, creationOptions): """ Not 100% this lives here but this functionality needs to know about LUTs etc. img to come from self.viewwidget.viewport().render() etc """ # create a numpy array that 'wraps' the data size = img.width() * img.height() * 4 p = img.bits() # seems needed: p.setsize(size) data = numpy.frombuffer(p, count=size, dtype=numpy.uint8) bgra = data.reshape(img.height(), img.width(), 4) drv = gdal.GetDriverByName(driver) ds = drv.Create(fname, img.width(), img.height(), 4, gdal.GDT_Byte, creationOptions) tlx, tly = layer.coordmgr.display2world(0, 0) pixSize = layer.coordmgr.geotransform[1] * layer.coordmgr.imgPixPerWinPix transform = [tlx, pixSize, 0, tly, 0, -pixSize] ds.SetGeoTransform(transform) ds.SetProjection(layer.gdalDataset.GetProjection()) code_to_interp = {'blue': gdal.GCI_BlueBand, 'green': gdal.GCI_GreenBand, 'red': gdal.GCI_RedBand, 'alpha': gdal.GCI_AlphaBand} for idx, code in enumerate(RGBA_CODES): lutindex = CODE_TO_LUTINDEX[code] band = ds.GetRasterBand(idx + 1) banddata = bgra[..., lutindex] band.WriteArray(banddata) interp = code_to_interp[code] band.SetColorInterpretation(interp) ds.FlushCache()