
Module that contains ViewerStretch and StretchRule classes

class tuiview.viewerstretch.StretchRule(comp, value, ctband, stretch)[source]

Class that represents a ‘rule’ and a stretch to be applied when that rule matches. The rule contains information about number of bands in a dataset and how to compare, plus if a dataset has a colour table in a particular band

static fromString(string)[source]

Create a StretchRule instance from a json encoded string created by toString()


Does this rule match the given dataset?


Convert to a JSON encoded string

class tuiview.viewerstretch.ViewerStretch[source]

Class that represents the stretch. Use the methods here to set the type of stretch you want and the bands used

static deleteFromGDAL(gdaldataset)[source]

Remove the stretch entry from this dataset assumed the dataset opened with GA_Update

static fromGDALFileWithLUT(fname)[source]

For reading a GDAL file with stretch and LUT saved. The stretch is read out and setLUTFromGDAL called with this file also

static fromString(string)[source]

Create a ViewerStretch instance from a json encoded string created by toString()

static fromTextFileWithLUT(fname)[source]

For reading a .stretch file. The stretch is read out of the first line and setLUTFromText called with this file also since .stretch files contain both

static readFromGDAL(gdaldataset)[source]

See if there is an entry in the GDAL metadata, and return a ViewerStretch instance, otherwise None


set with size of attribute table if one exists LUT will then be created with this size set to None for default behaviour


Set the RGB to display Background areas as


Set the bands to use. bands should be a tuple of 1-based ints


Use the color table in the image


Display a single band in greyscale

setHistStretch(minVal=0.025, maxVal=0.01)[source]

Do a histogram stretch


Read LUT from specified GDAL dataset


Read in the LUT from specified text file

setLinearStretch(minVal=None, maxVal=None)[source]

Just stretch linearly between min and max values if None, range of the data used


Set the RGB to display NaN areas as


Set the RGBA to display No Data values as


Don’t do a stretch - data is already stretched


Display with given color ramp


Display 3 bands as RGB


Do a standard deviation stretch


Convert to a JSON encoded string


Write this stretch into the GDAL file assumed the dataset opened with GA_Update Good idea to reopen any other handles to dataset